Significance of the 1948 Lambeth Conference
For years, whenever the subject of the reunion of the churches has come up, the discussion has invariably been terminated with the appeal, "Wait for Lambeth." The reason for this is that the Anglican family of churches, which as a result of emigration and evangelization now extends to the ends of the earth, occupies a unique position in relation to the various groupings of divided Christendom.
Give a Message—Leave a Message
Give a sermon once in a while which shows that it is only pride, coldness, and a Laodicean condition that keeps us from doing more for God through literature.
The Meaning of Loyalty
Loyalty is a two-way street. It is something that is exercised from below to those above.
Mission Service Worthy of the Best
This article is a frank appeal from the mission field to capable workers in the home bases not to disparage a call that may come to them to devote their lives to overseas mission service.
Asheville Field School of Evangelism
On June II the Bible department of Southern Missionary College, through its Field School of Evangelism, began a series of evangelistic meetings in the city of Asheville, North Carolina. Here's a report.
Origin of Our Bible Work
A look at the history and development of our early colporteur ministry.
Shun Private Printing Ventures
No matter how affable and obliging the local printer may be—and he may have fair equipment—he is not equipped in personnel and experience to print books as a regular book publisher.
Popularize our Health Message Through Advertising
To attract a crowd for almost any kind of public event, one must advertise.