Faults That Cry Out for Correction
There are several grave weaknesses that need to be brought definitely to the attention of our ministry; and in bringing them we do so humbly, with a prayer that through God's Holy Spirit we may have impressed upon us our need for greater love and kindness, and a positive desire to speak and labor as Jesus did.
Advancing Despite Repression in Spain
Due to the shortage of workers, several churches were left to themselves. Only four major places could be shepherded, but excellent results followed. Today we see fulfilled the words of God's messenger, who told us that that which was not done in time of liberty would be done in time of great difficulty.
From Medieval Church Music to Modern Hymns
Have you ever wondered how long people have been singing hymns such as are common to the modern church service?
Israel's Failure to Evangelize—II
A column devoted to Soul-Winning Plans, Problems, and Methods
The Temple of Truth
The Temple of Truth is a device used by our evangelistic group in Portland to present the Advent message more convincingly. The public's response was so favorable that we thought our fellow workers might desire to share it with us, adapting it to suit the personal approach.
Working Together in Soul Winning
I believe that our work in the vineyard of the Lord will be sealed with marked success if we will follow the blueprint in detail. But on the other hand, very meager results will be seen if we try to cut corners. The great problems of apostasy and other related church problems would be largely solved if the laymen were properly trained for service, and urged to work for the salvation of souls.