Early Christian Tombs Near Jerusalem
Avoiding sensational statements and stories concerning archaeological discoveries.
First Aid for the Tent Master
Helpful advice on the cost, care, and unkeep of all things related to the equipment of a major tent effort.
Among the Mohammedans of Fiji
Mr. Mohammad Alt Jinnah died on Saturday, September 18. Throughout Fiji memorial services were conducted on the following Monday. My wife, son, and I had just come to take up our missionary work in the large town of Ba.
New Church in Oakland, California
A look at the opening of the new SDA church at 280 Grand Avenue Oakland, California.
A Composite Picture of the Minister's Wife
This article is by Mrs. H. S. Smith, whose husband is minister of the Christian Church, Ashtabula, Ohio. Portion of article reprinted by permission from Church Management, June, 1948.
The Foursquare Character of the Church
To illustrate its fourfold character, one may liken the church to a square, as in Revelation 21, where the Holy City "lieth foursquare." It is one and the same church, only functioning in a fourfold capacity. Each side of the square represents an equally important and essential aspect.