The Genius and Scope of Our Medical Work—No. 1
This timely address was given on April 26, 1949, upon assignment, at the Boulder Medical Council. At the close of the presentation the council voted to request that it be brought out in printed form and sent to all ministers and physicians. The General Conference Committee voted that it be published first in THE MINISTRY, and then in Pamphlet form. This journal earnestly urges the careful study of this important discussion—THE EDITOR.
Inducting Chinese Converts Into Church
Evangelism has been the keynote of the mission program throughout the China Division during the past year and a half. Seeing the tremendous need of multi-tildes of peoples in thousands of cities and towns, to say nothing of the rural villages, we feel that every capable worker should be putting forth special effort each year in an endeavor to win souls for the kingdom of heaven.
North of the Polar Circle
In the summer, when the midnight sun shines, northern Norway is a very pleasant place, especially for tourists; but not so during the winter.
Types of Successful Religious Broadcasts
What type of religious broadcast do you think most successful? A panel discussion at Eastern Radio Workshok.
Enlist Laymen for Press Publicity
When I assumed my duties as publicity and press secretary of the Glendale City church this year, I soon had a story on my hands which I sensed as having great possibilities for wide press coverage.
Associate With Other Ministers
The Grand Traverse (Michigan) Ministerial Association, which represents the clergy of about twenty-five denominations, met recently for the purpose of electing new officers for the ensuing year. I was elected secretary.
Teaching With Freshness and Power
Our duty to keep our teaching ideas fresh and up to date.
Establishing New Members
I find it very helpful to furnish each of my readers with a small notebook.
Make Effort Self-supporting
Are our soul-winning efforts having a corresponding increase with our funding?