Establishing New Members

I find it very helpful to furnish each of my readers with a small notebook.

By ADDIE MAE KALAR, Bible Instructor, Medford, Oregon

I find it very helpful to furnish each of my readers with a small notebook. During each lesson every Bible text is written down, with brief notes to impress certain truths. This little book is theirs to keep. I urge them to review each lesson before the next appointment if con­venient. Thus they can find any text quickly, and they really appreciate the extra help.

Our usual plan is to bind off new converts and cease our regular weekly studies when they are baptized. We are especially friendly, and try to make them feel at home with our people. But I have found that a few extra lessons for a few weeks after baptism proves very helpful in establishing new believers. Some suggestive subjects are : "Description of God's Remnant People" (ancient and modern), "God's Prom­ises to His People," "How to Meet Tempta­tion," and "Church Organization."

Our Master Teacher was impressing on us the wisdom needed in His work when He called His disciples fishermen. Although there are dif­ferent classes of people, the same as various kinds of fish, many fish have gotten away be­cause of dangling too long ! With some people a whole year's labor is required. In the case of Philip and the eunuch there was no long, drawn-out Bible lesson or series. Accordingly, as soon as a person accepts the important Bible prophecies and is converted to obey the testing truths, baptism should follow at the opportune time.

The prayer meeting, Dorcas Society, and lit­erature band will be very helpful to those who are active. We can encourage subscriptions to our wonderful church paper; Review and Her­ald; to the Signs, Our Times, and Life and Health by lending copies of these periodicals. Then by forming friendships with good, stable members of the church, our new believers will find real peace and joy in their new church home.

By ADDIE MAE KALAR, Bible Instructor, Medford, Oregon

August 1949

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Preparing for the Latter Rain

We living in thrilling days. It is the time of the latter rain which Peter described as the "times of refreshing" which should come from the presence of the Lord just prior to the return of Jesus.

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