The need for visual aids in evangelism is becoming more apparent. It may be difficult to keep abreast of the many new devices the market is constantly producing, yet the alert worker recognizes that it pays to break up the monotony of our presentations occasionally, and to find new ways for giving the truth with -telling force." (See Evangelism, pp. 169, 170, 230.) Many devices serve as the mechanics for catching and building interest. When the interest is once gripped, the gospel worker can find no better tool than the Word of God itself. The use of any devices for illustrating should lead to thinking deeply upon what the eyes have envisioned; otherwise the effectiveness of the project is most questionable.
The flannelgraph for illustrating new light is most commendable. Bible truths can be better fitted into an Oriental setting presented by these pictures. Our attention has been directed to a helpful booklet which may be of interest to many workers—Flamm/graph, Helps, published by the Scripture Press, 434 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago 5, Illinois. This little gem clearly explains the techniques of this type of illustrating. The booklet may be obtained upon request by sending twenty-five cents to the Scripture Press. It adequately covers how to buy, prepare, and use flannelgraphs.
L. C. K.