Is There a Second Chance?

How comforting it would be to think there would be a second chance for the sinner, because there are so many things in this life that attract him.

By MRS. W. H. ANDERSON, Bible Instructor, Claremont, North Carolina

How comforting it would be to think there would be a second chance for the sinner, because there are so many things in this life that attract him. But, alas, God in His love must tell the truth! In tenderness He says, "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor, 6:2.
1. How many have sinned ? Rom. 3:23. (All.)
2. What are the wages of sin ? Rom. 6:23.
3. Man must be prepared before death. Heb. 9:27. Judgment takes place before he comes to life again.
4. What is death likened unto ? Dan. 12 :2 ; Job 14:12; I Thess. 4:13.
5. How much does a dead person know ? Eccl. 9:5, 6.
6. What becomes of man's thoughts at death ? Ps. 146:4. (He has no thoughts. En­tirely unconscious.)
7. When did David say he would be satis­fied? Ps. 17:15.
8. When do righteous receive that likeness ? Cor. 15:51-55. (At last trump, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.)
9. What has already closed when Jesus comes ? Rev. 22:11, 12. Fact that filthy will remain filthy, and righteous remain righteous, shows there has been an examination. Immedi­ately Jesus comes, and everyone receives his reward according to his own works—death to the wicked, life to the righteous.
10. What becomes of the living wicked when Jesus comes ? Jer. 25:33; 2 Thess. 2:8. (All die.)
11. When will righteous be resurrected? Thess. 4:16.
12. When are wicked resurrected? Rev. 20: 5, 6.
13. Why are not both classes raised to­gether? Rev. 20 :4. ( Judgment.)
14. How has God spoken to man in this life? Rom. To :17. (By preaching of His Word. .Through nature. Rom. I :20.)
15. What happens after wicked are resur­rected? Rev. 20:9.
16. What is nature of this death? 1 Thess. 1:7-9; Ps. 37:20. (Complete annihilation. Ev­erlasting punishment, not punishing. Eternal death everlasting in effect.) .
17. Where will place of punishment be? Prov. I :31 ; Ps. 37:10, 34. (In this world. Paradise is where God's throne is. Rev. 2:7; 22:2.)
18. Will any part remain? Mal. 4:1,3.
19. When does this destruction come? Rev.20 :5, 6. ( A thousand years between. Righteous will see why wicked are not there. Wicked also will admit God's justice. Rev. 5:12, 13; Phil. 2:10-TI. Appeal here.)
20. What is this final destruction called? Verse 14. (Second death, not second dying. Eternal death.)

It is necessary to understand this subject. We hear much about a place called purgatory, a place of cleansing. There is no such place! It is a counterfeit for atonement of Christ. They say souls go to purgatory, but soul is man's intelligence; spirit is his breath. The three—body, soul, and spirit—coordinate to make a living being. This doctrine of purgatory does away with resurrection, second coming, atonement work of Christ, and other gospel truths. in fact, it is counterfeit plan of redemp­tion; it is the lie—"Thou shalt not surely die." Satan would like to burn sin out (purgatory), but Christ washes away in by His precious blood. Rev. 1:5.


By MRS. W. H. ANDERSON, Bible Instructor, Claremont, North Carolina

September 1949

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