Village Evangelism in Basutoland

In planning an evangelistic program for these villages, it is wise to go straight to the chief.

By R. A. BUCKLEY, Director, Emmanuel Mission Station, South Africa

Basutoland, the Switzerland of South Africa, is a country of thousands of vil­lages, yet no matter how small or how large, each village has a chief, or headman.

In planning an evangelistic program for these villages, it is wise to go straight to the chief. If you address him as the chief father or ruler of the villages, it will go a long way in awakening sympathy in his heart for your program. Africans are very human in these matters. If you tell him your plans, and ex­plain that you want to put up a tent (I say tent because there are no buildings or halls to be used for meetings) to bring some messages from God's Holy Word to his people, and that you are seeking his permission, you will always find a response in his heart. It is always wise to request a site near his own home, where you will be under his protecting wings. Next to his court is a very good place.

When you begin to put up the tent, the erec­tion of which should be as soon after the per­mission is granted as possible, you will notice children and young people coming in from every direction to see what is going on. This is your opportunity to get the children to help with the erection of the tent, and they will be glad to assist you. They will be full of ques­tions as to what is going to happen. Tell them to come tonight and see, but to be sure they bring father and mother. These children are your very best handbills, and they cost nothing.

If you are fortunate enough to have a pro­jector, all you need to say is, "I am going to show pictures as soon as it gets dark," and by sunset' or even before, the tent will be crowded. On this first evening be sure that the chief is there, and that he has a seat of honor in a prominent place. Thank him in public for al­lowing you to bring a message to him and his people. During the prayer pray for him, pray for his people, and ask God to make him a good ruler.

The second night be sure that the chief is in his right place, the seat of honor ; then after this you need not worry about him. At the close of a stirring spiritual sermon, to which mem­bers of any particular Christian group say "Amen," tell the people that the chief will say a few words. No matter what church he be­longs to, he will get up and thank God for sending the tent and the messenger. He will encourage the people not to miss any of the good meetings that will follow.

When he is finished, thank him for his re­marks. Tell the people that they are fortunate in having a God-fearing ruler. Repeat, "Happy is that people whose ruler is a Christian." Now thank him for the protection which you know you will enjoy in the future under his wings and uncrer his watchful eye. Having done all this, you will not meet with any opposition or troubles, for now you are the guest of the ruler of the village. He and his word are respected greatly, and so are his guests. Having gained his good will now, be sure you do nothing to break his confidence. As Heaven's representa­tives in that place, be sure to exalt the name of Jesus, and God will give you success.

By R. A. BUCKLEY, Director, Emmanuel Mission Station, South Africa

September 1949

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