Spiritual Program at Malamulo

A report from Malawi.

By M. CAPTAIN MULUDA, Chaplain, Malamulo Mission Hospital, East Africa

First of all in the morning, before I do anything, I come into my office and offer a prayer to God, that the Lord may bless His healing and spiritual work during the day. After that I go to the sick village to conduct the meeting, and from there I come to the clinic to conduct another meeting with the out-pa­tients. Then from there I make my rounds in the wards to see those who are in beds.

Before I go home I usually go back to my office and ask God to water the message which I have given to the people. I also come back in the afternoon to make personal visits. In that way the Lord calls His people one by one to give their hearts to Him.

Every Tuesday morning from six-thirty to seven I have workers' meeting, to instruct the hospital workers how they can represent Jesus to the sick people by their actions. In their co­operation I see God blessing His work for Malamulo Hospital.

I have a record in my office of the names of those who have given their hearts to Christ. While they are still in the wards I conduct Bible classes every Sabbath morning at eight, before Sabbath school starts. When the patient is discharged from the hospital, I give him a letter to the teacher or the evangelist at his home, and ask that he be put in the Bible class until he is ready to be baptized.

After a time I post a letter to the local teacher or the evangelist telling him that in such a village there is a certain man who was admitted to Malamulo Hospital, and he has be­come a member of the Bible class. I write this to tell him to find this man out.

I also visit the man through letters. If he is able to read, I send him some texts with mes­sages to him about the truth which he accepted. If he is not able to read, someone will read to him the message which is contained in the let­ter. Before the letter is posted I pray, asking God to bless the message which is in that letter.

If the person's home is far from any of our church leaders, I offer him to the hands of God in prayer, that He may look after him and be with him as his teacher, evangelist, and pastor, with the promise to meet him someday around the throne of God.

In this way I often receive letters from vari­ous parts of fields telling me that such and such a man comes to the Bible classes regularly.

"These Signs Shall Follow Them"

A man came to Malamulo Hospital from Portuguese East Africa who had traveled about one hundred and fifty miles. When Dr. Fowler examined him it was found that he had an en­larged spleen. It is very hard to operate upon an enlarged spleen, and, moreover, it was found that the patient had no blood, so the doctor told the patient to stay at the sick village for some days.

The doctor tried to get a blood transfusion for him, but he could not find the proper type. The patient was then placed in the hands of God, in prayers and in faith, while he was still waiting at the sick village.

When the operation day came all things went on very well in spite of the lack of blood and the enlarged spleen, which weighed seven and one-half pounds. Our prayers were answered and this patient completely -recovered. He finally gave his heart to Jesus. The doctors, nurses, and the chaplain remembered the won­derful promises which say, "These signs shall follow them that believe; in My name shall they cast out devils. . . . They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16:17, 18.

Near the Malamulo Hospital there lived a mother who had sons and daughters, all of whom had accepted Jesus, except one daughter. She loved this daughter especially, because she accompanied her in her beer drinking. Their fondness for beer drinking kept them from ac­cepting Christ for several years.

One day this daughter's son became sick. They invited the native doctors to cure the child, but all of them failed. Then after that they took the child to our hospital. When Dr. Kotz checked the child he found that he had a high fever, so he admitted him to the ward.

As the chaplain here at Malamulo Hospital I go every day to every single bed of the sick people to represent Jesus to them. Whenever I came to the bed of this child, I used to pray with the mother and grandmother, and talk to them about Jesus and all His wonderful promises. I quoted from the Bible, which says : "Call upon Me in the day of trouble : I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me." Ps. 50:15.

I kept on feeding these two mothers with the message of Jesus as the Great Physician, who had the power of healing the child. After a few days the child was healed. These two mothers gave their hearts to Jesus, and began to attend the Bible classes.

After several months the same child became suddenly sick a second time. Before they could bring him to the hospital again, the child died. This could easily have been a great shock to cause them to stop attending the Bible class. But it was not so. Their friends who came to attend the funeral tried to discourage them from being in the Bible class, because of the death of their child. But they refused saying, "We will never depart from Jesus, because He gave us the child and now He has taken. If we be secure in Jesus, when He comes He shall raise up the child, and we will see him again."

Today these two mothers are still faithfully attending their Bible class, bringing their Sab­bath school offerings just as they were doing before the child died. Now they are ready to be baptized.

We need more prayers for the medical work in the world. This is often a point of contact where those people who refuse to accept Jesus will meet Him in their physical troubles.

NOTE: S. G. Maxwell, superintendent of the Southeast Africa "Union Mission, sends along this information regarding the number of Chap­lain Muluda's converts: In 5946 there were 36 converts in his Bible class ; in 1947, 121; and in 5948, 58, making a total of 255 for the three years.

By M. CAPTAIN MULUDA, Chaplain, Malamulo Mission Hospital, East Africa

October 1949

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