Coordination of Activities

If any a colporteur evangelist has seriously raised the question: "Does it pay to keep in touch with the evangelist or district pastor?"

By JAMES E. CHASE, Departmental Secretary, Colorado Conference

If any a colporteur evangelist has seriously raised the question: "Does it pay to keep in touch with the evangelist or district pastor?" The literature evangelist need not always be on the giving side. Frequently the minister can supply him with names of individuals who are especially interested in the truth.

In a recent evangelistic revival series we fol­lowed the practice of submitting the names of interested folks to the colporteur. In many cases we would tell the prospective customer of the book, arouse interest in it, create a de­sire for it; and then when the colporteur came to make the contact, the sale had in reality al­ready been made. The delivery of the book was all that remained.

We have found that the colporteur can work profitably before the meetings, carrying out a spearhead program of discovering interest and making sales. He can also be of great spiritual help Siring the series, and in just a few hours of time after the close of the meeting he can place hundreds of dollars' worth of books in the homes of those who have taken a definite stand and of those who are still interested.

The literature evangelist will take great care, of course, lest he "run ahead" of the evange­list or undo what has been accomplished. It is necessary for the colporteur to have an under­standing with the minister as to the approach to be made and the problems that will confront him. This plan requires a genuine spirit of co­operation on the part of all workers concerned.

If the evangelist is conducting a Bible cor­respondence school in conjunction with his meetings, the literature evangelist is one of the best qualified to assist him. As he goes from home to home he has a wonderful opportunity to secure the names of those who would care to enroll in the course. And if the minister is conducting a radio program, the colporteur can mention the time of the program and tactfully suggest that people listen in.

Some of the finest converts come into the church as a result of this coordinated program. Those who study as they attend the meetings and continue their study afterward are well grounded and become real pillars in the church. Not only are they more firmly versed in the Scriptures, but they also have a clearer vision of Christian work, and some who were first visited by the Christian colporteur will desire to engage in that work also;

A short time ago a faithful colporteur evan­gelist was instrumental in organizing a Sab­bath school of four members at Nelson, Ne­braska. She continued her work in that vicinity. At that time we were conducting a daily radio program and carrying on a Bible correspond­ence school. She received many enrollments and directed the attention of the people to the program. After a few weeks had gone by we visited that locality, secured the use of the city hall, and held a few evangelistic meetings. We had several baptisms, and the Sabbath school has grown to thirty-two.

When Christian workers act in concert for the accomplishment of one purpose, we do see greater results. May God help us to remember that under Him we are workers together.

By JAMES E. CHASE, Departmental Secretary, Colorado Conference

November 1949

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