Episodes in the Great Controversy (Sermon outline)

THE PULPIT AND THE STUDY: Episodes in the Great Controversy (Sermon outline)

Help you to understand the Great Controversy better

Minister, Karachi, Pakistan

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To demonstrate to whom victory in the great controversy belongs. Suitable for presentation after a study on the seal of God and the mark of the beast. 


1. Michael contending with Satan over body of Moses in land of Moab. Satan defeated. Moses raised and taken to heaven. Jude 9; Deut. 34:5, 6; Mark 9:1-4.

2. Michael conies to assistance of Gabriel against "prince of the kingdom of Persia" (Satan). Satan's resistance overcome, and Gabriel free to discharge his mission to Daniel. Dan. 10:13, 14; John 12:31.

3. Counsel for the defense (the Lord) versus counsel for the prosecution (Satan) in case of Joshua, the high priest. Satan rebuked and discomfited; Joshua justified and acquitted. Zech. 3:1-5.

4. Christ encounters Satan in wilderness of temptation. Satan leaves Jesus after suffering a triple defeat. Matt. 4:1-11.

5. Christ battling with Satan for Peter's soul Satan peremptorily dismissed. Jesus wins a soul. Matt. 16:21-23; The Desire of Ages, p. 416; Luke 22131, 32.

6. War in heaven. Michael and His angels against dragon and his angels. Latter permanently ejected from heaven. Rev. 12:7-9

7. Before the great white throne. Satan put under Christ's feet, and then destroyed. Rev. 20:7-15; Isa. 45:23; Rom. 14:10, II; Phil. 2:9-11; i Cor. 15:24, 25.


1. Past encounters.

a. Moses and Aaron in conflict with Jannes and Jambres, magicians of Egypt, in presence of Pharaoh. Satan's agents defeated, and their folly ex posed. 2 Tim. 3:8, 9; Ex. 7:8-12.

b. David and Goliath, i Sam. 17:34-54

c. Hezekiah threatened by Sennacherib. Isaiah 36, 37.

d. Daniel's three companions resist Nebuchadnezzar and his mighty men on a point of religious legislation. Satan's agents destroyed by fire, which had no effect upon Christ's representatives through presence of their Leader with them. Dan. 3:13-27.

e. Daniel versus his enemies, and incident of lions' den. Daniel preserved; his enemies destroyed. Dan. 6:1-24.

f. Christ's body guarded by Satan's an gels and agents, who are repulsed and scattered at appearance of heavenly messenger on resurrection morning. Jesus comes forth, a victor over death, grave, and Satan. Matt. 27:62 to Matt. 28:4; i Cor. 15:55

.2. A future encounter. Satan bound for a thousand years. Evident signs of his weakening at long last, because an angel worsts him in personal encounter, while hitherto it has always needed Jesus to do this. Rev. 20:1-3; Lev. 16:20, 21.

3. A present encounter. Champions of the Sabbath opposed by champions of Sunday in seal-of-God-and- mark-of-the-beast controversy, on a point of religious legislation. Sabbath champions stand victorious on Mount Zion and on sea of glass, and sing victory song of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. 13:15-17; 14: 1-12; 15:2.



Minister, Karachi, Pakistan

February 1950

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