1. For what purpose did Jesus come into this world? Matt. 1:21.
2. What is sin? i John 3:4.
1. What great manifestation attended giving of this law at Sinai? Ex. 20: 18-22.
2. Who spoke and wrote the law? Ex. 20:1; Deut. 4:12, 13.
3. What did Moses say concerning God's speaking directly to Israel? Deut. 4:32, 33
4. Did God add anything to Ten Commandments? Deut. 5:22.
5. Can man now change law of God? Deut. 4:2.
6. Would God Himself change it? Ps. 89-34
Did Jesus purpose to change or abrogate the law? Matt. 5:17-19. Some in quire as to why Christ did not repeat law in entirety in New Testament.
ILLUSTRATION: If at the beginning of school year a teacher carefully draws up a set of rules and regulations governing deportment of students during that semester, and places it where it can be read by all, and at beginning of second semester calls attention again to rules, telling children that same rules which governed first semester will continue without change, students would know exactly what is required of them.
At beginning of Jewish dispensation God gave on tables of stone, in own hand writing, rules that should govern conduct of His children. When Jesus came to earth in human form He announced that same regulations which governed old dispensation would also carry through new dispensation without changing even smallest part of letter. There would be no more need of repeating than there would be for schoolteacher to do so with her carefully outlined rules.
1. What is nature of God's law? Rom. 7:12; Ps. 19:7. Law converts soul, or turns it right about-face from wrong direction to right direction.
2. To what is law compared? James I:23-25
3. What is its purpose? Rom. 7:7; 3:20.
ILLUSTRATION: Laver standing between altar of burnt offering and door of tabernacle in old dispensation re minds us of close connection between Christ and His law. This laver was fashioned from polished brass mirrors brought by women as gifts to tabernacle. This container made of mirrors held water to cleanse priests before their entrance into tabernacle. Mirror and water made a happy combination. So law of God reflects back to us our need of" "fountain in the house of David," converts us, and sends us to our Lord for cleansing.
4. Is it possible for an unconverted per son to keep God's law? Rom. 8:7.
5. What will be result of remaining unconverted? Verse 6.
6. What must happen to carnal mind before it can appreciate law? Verse 9.
1. Can we disregard one of commandments and still be guiltless? James 2:10.
2. How much of our duty is comprised in law? Eccl. 12:13, 14.
3. Of what is keeping of law an expression? i John 5 :2, 3.
4. What will be reward of true commandment keeping? Rev. 22:14.
1. We are saved by Christ's perfect commandment. He imputes to us His righteousness. His righteousness is our title to heaven. (Luke 18:13, 14.)
2. We are fitted for heaven by writing of His commandments in heart. In this way His righteousness is imparted to us. (Heb. 8:10.)
3. Two sets of tables: Tables of stone on which God first wrote His 'commandments were hewn' by the Lord. Later these were broken by Moses to symbolize man's incapability to keep law. Next set of tables were hewn by Moses, and God again wrote His law on them the same as at first. So we must today bring our hearts to the Lord, if we would again have law written therein.
4. Righteousness imputed and imparted. Both are necessary.
ILLUSTRATION: A music-loving boy desires to attend a concert to be held in his neighborhood. His- mother, a widow, assures him it will be impossible, since price of ticket is far beyond their meager earnings. He goes out to play, and soon is disheveled and dirty in appearance. A neighbor, hearing of his desire to attend musical, presents mother with ticket for him. She calls him. In his joy he seizes ticket and dashes for door, as hour is late. His mother with difficulty impresses him that not only must he have a ticket to get into hall, but he must also be made presentable. So she cleans him up, and then sends him on his way. However, in his pride of appearance he forgets ticket, and at door discovers that appearance alone will not admit him. Both are necessary to assure admittance. So not only, must we have God's law written in heart, as our preparation for heaven, but we must also accept perfect obedience to law as our title to heaven.
VII. APPEAL: Why was law a delight to Christ? Ps. 40:7, 8. What does He promise to do for those who desire to keep His law? Heb. 8:10. We delight in doing that which is natural to us. If we delight to do His will, then God will cause our weakest points to become our strongest, giving us great pleasure walking in His commandments. To seek to keep law in our own strength is merely bondage, for our nature is against His law. Only when Lord changes our natures to conform to His nature do we find pleasure indeed in keeping His commandments.