Binding Off Bible Club Interest


Different types of Bible classes

Lynwood, California

Since no two situations are identical, plans for binding off the interest will naturally vary. In general an effort will be made to transfer the special interest to a baptismal class. If the Adventists in the groups will attend this class, it will make it a perfectly natural move.

Twentieth Century Course 2 is ideal for this work. In ten lessons it traces twelve important truths right through the Bible, from Eden lost to Eden restored. The lesson topics are: (I) The Days of Eden. (2) The Period of the Patriarchs. (3) The Time of Abraham. (4) The Jewish Nation. (5) The Days of Christ. (6) The New Testament Church. (7) The Apostate Church. (8) The Protestant Reformation. (9) The Remnant Church. (10) The New Earth.

Each lesson deals with the same twelve points and is based on the text, "The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10. The entire course is thus gospel centered. The twelve points of each lesson develop as follows:

1. MAN CREATED SINLESS.—This is the first point in Lesson i. In Lesson 2, dealing with this point, we see God's plan to separate man from sin and from the world in the process of restoring the image of God. This separation from the world idea carries right through the ten lessons, until in Lesson 10 we have "Man Sinless" in the new earth—complete restoration. By studying this idea step by step we avoid the more sudden pressure and make it easier to accept by degrees. In Lesson 7 the student dis covers that instead of separating from the world, the church united with the world. In Lesson 8, on "The Protestant Reformation," the principle of separation is seen again. Then in Lesson 9, on "The Remnant Church," God's call for separation is clearly presented.

2. THE SABBATH. In Lesson i the Sabbath is found in Eden. The weekly day of rest is touched in each lesson as we move through from Genesis to Revelation. In Lesson 7 the counterfeit Sabbath is revealed, and in Lesson 9 the true Sabbath is restored in the remnant church. In Lesson 10 we find the Sabbath in the new earth—a perfect restoration of what was lost.

3. THE LAW OF GOD. Here again the subject of the commandments is found in each lesson and is studied as it is developed up to that point in Biblical history. The man-made change appears in strategic Lesson 7, and the true Sab bath restored in Lesson 9, following the same teaching pattern as for all the twelve points of each lesson.

4. THE GOSPEL. In Lesson I the gospel is not yet revealed; for there was no sin in the original plan of Eden, hence no need of the gospel. This is made clear. Then the gospel is unfolded step by step through each lesson.

5. THE BLOOD. There were no blood sacrifices in Eden before sin. As we proceed through the lessons, the blood sacrifices develop into the sanctuary plan, culminating with the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, and then with God's moving His sanctuary to this earth.

6. HOME, ORGANIZATION CENTER. Beginning in Efien with the home as the center of society, we go from lesson to lesson, and watch the development of church organization. This emphasizes the vital place of organization, and pre pares the student to step over into God's organization of today.

7. HOME, WORSHIP CENTER. Lesson by les son, from Eden to Eden, we trace worship as it develops from the family altar to Melchizedek, to the Levitical priesthood, to Christ our High Priest.

8. THE TITHE. The tithing principle is traced from the tree of knowledge of good and evil right through the Bible, lesson by lesson, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. This avoids the too sudden pressure of this testing point.

9. THE GIFT OF PROPHECY. From Lesson i, when man might speak with God face to face, the gift of prophecy is traced step by step, les son by lesson. There is no abrupt presentation of this delicate issue.

10. LIFE AND DOMINION. In Lesson I man is given life and dominion. These he lost. Then step by step through the lessons we trace the promised restoration, climaxing in the second coming of Christ and the new earth.

11. FAITH AND OBEDIENCE. These twin watchwords of the Bible are followed lesson by lesson. Law and grace, faith and works, are set forth in clarity, simplicity, and proper perspective.

12. A WORLD MESSAGE. In Lesson i we point out that there was no need for a world message to be borne by preaching. Then we trace in the following lessons the development of God's plan to reach the world by entrusting truth to His chosen instruments and having- them pre sent it to the world. This leads easily to the great Second Advent Movement.

When the ten lessons are finished the student receives a graphic two-color chart which summarizes the lessons. It really is a summary of the basic twelve points of his lesson and test papers. By using test papers the student gains a clearer understanding, and also is led to commit himself by degrees through the personal questions used in the test papers.

SPECIAL SPIRIT OF PROPHECY BOOKLETS. Since each lesson is based on a quite definite period of time, certain chapters from the Conflict Series, by Ellen G. White, make perfect supplementary reading. Such chapters are selected and printed in ten 2oth Century Library booklets, one to each lesson, and numbered i to 10 respectively. They are 10 cents each, and may be used if you wish. They prepare the way for an easy and natural acceptance of the Spirit of prophecy.

Twentieth Century Bible Course 2 is available in filmstrips from the Mayse Studio. Many prefer to use these for class teaching. At the close of the class period give out the lesson just taught, and take up the test papers for the previous lesson. It is not best for the student to have a lesson before it is taught.

A Suggestive Plan as a Flexible Pattern

Consider a fifteen-week series of public services and twelve weeks of Bible club work in the homes. This gives you the first two Sunday nights to stimulate enrollments for the clubs.

Start the clubs on the Tuesday night after the second Sunday night. In ten Tuesday nights cover the ten lessons of Course A, or any grouping of ten lessons you may choose, adjusting the schedule of topics to your plans.

Then for the eleventh and twelfth Tuesday nights of club work use the first two lessons of pre-baptismal Course 2. This will initiate all into the finishing course. Do not press controversial points too strongly.

You now have left two more Sunday nights of your fifteen-week series. If you will close your series with eight consecutive nights (which people easily rally for), you may transfer your interest from the clubs to your meeting place, and finish the remaining eight lessons of Course 2 at a special class preceding the evening meeting. All who finish Course 2 will receive the extra seal "E" on their certificates, since that seal certifies Course 2. Switch your entire group's membership, Adventist and all, to the central class.

From this survey of the place and use of Course 2 in binding off Bible clubs and public work you may find something that you can adjust and adapt in a dozen ways for your particular situation. No two men work just alike, and no progressive man ever works twice just alike. In all cases personal visitation and work are necessary in addition to public work and group work. Sufficient has been said here to point a direction we hope will be toward the right goal.

The book Fundamentals of the Everlasting Gospel provides a most attractive and appropriate way of summarizing our message, and may be given to those baptized or even to all those finishing the baptismal class. A careful study of the book Minister-Layman Movement will provide suggestions for a basic pattern of work which may be shifted many ways for many minds and situations.



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Lynwood, California

August 1950

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