A Series for Prayer Meetings

PULPIT: A Series for Prayer Meetings

A group of Study outlines

Minister's Wife, Inca Union Mission, South America

[In the Ministerial Association offices we are frequently asked to give to the field through THE MINISTRY suggestions for prayer meeting topics. Bible instructors as well as ministers' wives may occasionally be called on to give such a study, or even a series for a month. It is then helpful to have a few leads, especially when time is at a premium. Mrs. .Georgiana Hayden, of the Inca Union Mission wife, mother, nurse, and Bible instructor finds that she must function in various capacities, and the prayer meeting may need her occasional leadership. We would appreciate other workers' remembering us with their material for prayer meetings. EDITORS.]


1. For different things.

a. For lengthened life. 2 Kings 20:5-6. 

b. For help. Dan. 9:16. 

c. For mercy. Psalms 51. 

d. For rain. James 5:18. 

e. For a son. 1 Sam. 1:11.

2. In many places.

a. In the deep. Jonah 2:1. 

b. On the housetop. Acts 10:9. 

c. On the bed. 2 Kings 20:2. 

d. In the wilderness. Gen. 21:16. 

e. In the street. Luke 8:41.

f. In jail. Acts 16:25.

g. In the mountain. Mark 6:46.

h On the cross. Luke 23:42.

3. With varying types of expression.

a. Short prayers. Matt. 14:30; Luke 18:13.

b. Long prayers. 2 Chron. 6:12-42.



1. Prayer is an invitation to God. Mark 5:22, 23; 1:40-42.

2. Prayer is work. Deut. 4:41, 42."We must not attempt to achieve by sup plication what can be achieved only by sup plication and service."

3. Prayer is part of the Christian's defense equipment. Eph. 6:18.

4. Prayer is taking time to talk to God, having time to listen to God. Abraham's conversation with God. Gen. 18:22-33.Moses' conversation about the welfare of the people. Ex. 32:31-34.

5. Prayer is laying hold of God's highest willingness. Luke 11:9, 10.

6. Prayer is power. 1 Kings 18:36-38, 42, 45.

7. Prayer is communication with heaven. Ps. 86:7; 91:15; Isa. 65:24.


III. APPEAL: That we may enter into this communication with Heaven and enjoy the experience of conversation with the Lord.

How to Pray


1. Christ's formula for triumphant living. Luke 18:1.

2. Prayer, the greatest and most neglected force in Christian service. James 5:16.

3. The law of prayer is as real as that of gravity, germination, or the movement of the heavenly bodies.



1. Pray without hypocrisy. Prov. 28:9; Matt.6:5; 15:7, 8.

a. Jesus refused to grant a sign to the Pharisees. Mark 8:11, 12.

b. He refused to give His credentials to those who opposed Him. Mark 11:33.

c. But Jesus never refused an earnest request for help.

2. Pray privately. Matt. 6:6.God said to Elijah, "Hide thyself" (1 Kings 17:3) before He said, "Shew thyself" (1 Kings 18:1).

3. Pray in faith. Matt. 9:27-29; Mark 9:23, 24; 11:20-24; Heb. 11:6.

4. Pray definitely. Matt. 6:7, 8; Luke 11:5. Be specific. "What things so ever ye desire." Mark 11:24.

5. Pray with importunity (with urgency of request, persistently).

a. Parables that teach the result of importunity. Luke 11:5-9; 18:1-7. 

b. The pleading of the Syrophenician woman. Matt. 15:21-28.

6. Pray submissively.

a. God knows better than we. Rom. 8:26. 

b. Even Christ prayed that God's will be done. Matt. 26:39.

7. Pray forgivingly. Matt. 5:23, 24, 43-45; Mark 11:25, 26.

8. Pray in Jesus' name. Luke 11:11-13; John 14:14; 16:23-27.


III. APPEAL: That we may learn to follow God's rules for prayer and receive the blessings He promises.

Jesus' Prayer Example

1. Jesus' command.

a. "Pray ye." Matt. 6:9.

b. "Pray always." Luke 21:36.

c. Pray for laborers. Matt. 9:38.

d. Pray for your persecutors. Matt. 5:44.

e. Pray for spiritual and physical protection. Matt. 24:20; 26:41.

f. Pray in secret. Matt. 6:6. 

g. Pray as Jesus taught. Verse 9.

2. Jesus' example.

a. "I pray" found four times in John 17.

b. Jesus' secret prayers. Matt. 14:23; 26:36; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; 6:12.

c. Jesus' public prayers. Matt. 11:25; Luke 11:1; John 11:41; 17:1.

3. Jesus' prayer for Himself. John 17:1, 2. 

a. 'The hour is come. 

b. Jesus pleads His relation to God. 

c. He pleads God's glory. 

d. He pleads for His redemptive mission.

e. He pleads His holy living. John 17:4, 5, 8;Phil. 2:8.

f. He pleads His equality with God before the incarnation. John 17:5; Col. 1:17.

4. Jesus' prayer for His disciples. John 17:6-19. 

a. For the security of the eleven. 

b. For the sanctification of the eleven. 

c. For all who would ever believe in Him. 

d. For the perfection of all believers.

5. Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane. Mark 14:35, 36. 

a. He prayed that if man's redemption were possible some other way, He might be spared suffering and death. 

b. He prayed that God's will be done.

6. Jesus' present intercession. Rom. 8:33, 34; Heb. 7:25; 9:24. 

a. Jesus is our court advocate against Satan, our court adversary.

b. He is the high priest presenting His own blood in the heavenly sanctuary.

7. APPEAL: That we may take our joys and sorrows to the Lord in prayer often and avail ourselves of His willingness and power to present our petitions to the Father.

Hindrances to Prevailing Prayer


1. Statements emphasizing the value of prayer:

a. James, by the Holy Spirit: "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16.

b. Andrew Murray: "In relation to His people God works only in answer to their prayer."

c. Dr. Jowett: "I'd rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach."

d. Cortland Myers: "God's greatest agency for the winning of men back to Himself is the prayer of other men. How few ever enter into the positive, practical power of prayer! It is the mightiest force in the universe, and the Christian world is blind to this fact."

e. Joseph Neesima: "Let us advance upon our knees." 

2. Satan tries his best to make effective all hindrances to prayer.




1. Disobedience to God. Deut. 4:30, 31; Prov. 28:9; Isa. 1:15, 19, 20; Zech. 7:13. 

a. Abraham's prayers answered because of obedience. Gen. 22:18. 

b. John's rule for answer to prayer. 1 John3:22.

2. Sin cherished. Ps. 66:18; Isa. 59:1, 2.

3. Unbelief. Mark 11:24; Heb. 11:6; James 1:6, 7.

4. Marital discord or home discord. Eph. 6:1-4; 1 Peter 3:7.

5. Pride. Job 35:12, 13.

a. Abraham's humility. Gen. 18:27.

b. 'God's attitude toward the humble. 2Chron. 12:5-7, 12; 32:26; Ps. 34:18; Isa.57:15; 66:2; 1 Peter 5:5, 6.

6. Unforgiveness. Matt. 6:14, 15; 18:22; 1 John 4:20.

7. Selfishness. Prov. 21:13; James 4:3.

8. Idolatry.

a. Jacob in search of God's blessing. Gen.35:2, 3.

b. Idols in hearts. Eze. 14:3, 4. 

c. Worldliness an idol. John 2:15, 16. 

d. Covetousness. Col. 3:5.

9. Unpaid debts.

a. Restitution, Zacchaeus' first thought at conversion. Luke 19:8.

b. Philippian jailer did all he could to right wrongs. Acts 16:33, 34.


III. APPEAL: For a decision to lay aside any of the above hindrances in our own lives.



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Minister's Wife, Inca Union Mission, South America

December 1951

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