Out-of-Season Contacts

BIBLE INSTRUCTOR: Out-of-Season Contacts

Ma' am, would you mind helping a young woman who is confused? She needs to become a settled Christian."

Ma' am, would you mind helping a young woman who is confused? She needs to become a settled Christian." Because the Pull man porter had been keen enough to notice that I was a church worker, he came to me with this suggestion. Soon I was introduced to a sparkling young woman. Asking her a few questions, I discovered, to our surprise, that we had met some years ago in South Lancaster, where she was then attending college. She knew at that time that Adventism was the right religion, but had married a young man not of our faith, and the marriage had broken up. She was happily remarried but realized she needed a new experience with God. The porter was right when he suggested she needed to become a settled Christian. In fact, it was his keen observation that brought us together. So as we talked I tried to help her discover her own personal needs and what she herself must do to get right with God. More than that, she also gave me some definite leads to others who needed help. As we said good-by I began to relive the experience, and I realized what simple means God can use to reach a needy soul. Not only so, but how ready we must be to recognize His providential leadings. Our out-of-season contacts may well be the most fruitful if only we as workers are ready for the indication.

On another occasion a pleasant woman proceeded to help me with my luggage as I boarded my train. I occupied the seat next to her. She seemed to be a busy woman, reading and marking books a mutual hobby. I too had my work with me, and kept occupied. After a while we fell into conversation, and I made some interesting discoveries. She was a Methodist educational secretary, adjusting and guiding overseas students.

In response to an inquiry I explained my work. Our conversation next drifted to world observations. Soon she pulled out of her traveling bag her diary with several autographed names of Seventh-day Adventist workers in institutions in Asia, Africa, and South America. There was now a common tie, and all too soon we had to part, but not without promises that we would correspond, and we looked forward to our next meeting!

My cardcase now holds six names of prominent church workers with headquarters in New York, women who are thinking their way through the world's present confusion. Contacts of this nature are really providences to be improved. And again I reflected on the simple means God uses to reach those who may prove the most helpful in carrying His message. It was an out-of-season contact that Jesus used to open up Samaria to the gospel. In season and out of season we must "watch as winners of souls."



December 1952

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