The New Testament Visitation Plan
Have you ever wished that your elders and deacons would go visiting on their own initiative? Have you honestly admitted how hard it is for you, even as a trained minister, to go out into the parish alone to visit? Perhaps you need to go back to the plan of the Master.
Pulpit-Pointers for Preachers
Ministers, Bible instructors, teachers, and writers need to exercise extreme care in selecting sources for needed information. Too often one is tempted to use a statement from an unreliable source because it would require considerable study to verify it or prove it untrue; that is, to ascertain the facts. And it may be something sensational that we believe will have the desired effect, or a statement that will "prove" an assertion we have made.
Protestantism-Revolt or Reform?
This question of the place of the Protestant Reformation in the stream of history is as old as Protestantism itself. There are today three widely accepted and broadly diverging views of the Reformation.
Music-Know Your Song
Our first and most important goal in singing a song in public, whether it be a solo, duet, trio, quartet, or choir number, is to get the message across in such a way that the listeners will be impressed primarily with the message of the song.
Shepherdess-Sarah's Daughters
The missionary wife is often taken very much for granted. It is her ordinary lot to spend long weary months and perhaps years in some desolate part of the earth, not seeing another of her kind for weeks and months. She also is often separated from her husband for extended periods of time.
Health Evangelism-The Medical Worker in Relation to the Patient
The Spirit of God can use consecrated physicians and nurses, as well as other workers in our medical institutions, to make lasting impressions for good upon the hearts of many who will someday trace back to their contacts with us the influences that led to their conversion and salvation.