Music in the Evangelistic Worship Service
When do we begin to teach people to worship God in our evangelistic campaigns? This can be beautifully and naturally accomplished by the song service.
MERRILL L. ENRIGHT, Pastor-Evangelist, Southern California Conference
MERRILL L. ENRIGHT, Pastor-Evangelist, Southern California Conference
January 1955
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Qualifications for the Ordination of Ministers
An Autumn Council Recommendation
Called of God—Are You Sure
No man who is alive and awake and possesses powers of observation can engage actively in this ministry for fifty years without arriving at most positive and pronounced convictions regarding many things connected with the work of God. I have such convictions.
Placing Adventism in a New Light
How Dr. Froom's work has helped us rethink the challenge of the evangelistic task in the city of London.
"How Does the Other Man Think?"
We would be saved from many a blunder in our preaching judgment, and reach and help more people, if we kept ourselves sensitive to the trends of thought among the laity.
Essentials of a Pastor's Program
As pastor's it is a constant problem for us to know how best to organize and plan our work so that it may all be cared for in the allotted time.
The Pastoral Ministry
The excellence of the pastoral ministry, and thus its usefulness, results from its salutary action. The pastor is in society the bearer of that astonishing panacea that imparts sociability to the modern pagan, moral balance to the intellectual, and culture to the one who is still at the first rudimentary stage.
Building an Economical Yet Adequate Church
Few ministers ever build more than one or two church buildings. I have participated in only two. There seems to be very little information available with reference to the type of building needed for small-to-medium Seventh-day Adventist churches with a minimum amount of funds available.
"That Thou Doest, Do Quickly"
Sermon for launching an evangelistic campaign.
Evangelism in the Province
An evangelistic report from 1953.
Diet and Physical Health
The Influence of Diet—Part 1
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