The Upper Levels of the Ministry
It is difficult to analyze the many factors that must be considered in the matter of changing one's field of labor from a certain church or district to another field, or from a certain line of work to another (as from pastoral work to the Home Missionary Department).
The Worker's Personal Relations With the Organization
The various organs which compose the church must be joined together as are the parts of our bodies.
What Is Your Name?
Historically the church of Christ has suffered eras of ineffective witness when its leaders lost the spirit of sacrifice.
The Power of the Word
Third in a series of addresses to the faculty and student body of the Theological Seminary.
Peter—The Rock?
The following speech by Peter Richard Kenrick, Archbishop of St. Louis, was prepared to be given at the Vatican Council in Rome in 1870, when the dogma of the infallibility of the pope was under discussion.
Vacation Bible School Evangelism
Evangelism is a revival in action! Vacation Bible School evangelism is a double-barreled type of revival; first, because it brings the message of the gospel to those in the community, and second, because it stirs a new enthusiasm on the part of the church for the potentials of the Sabbath school and the work among the young.
Can We Afford Model T Churches?
One of our ambitions is to make more ministers more discontented with the tools with which they work.
New Church Organized on Marine Base
This was the first time in the history of this movement that a Seventh-day Adventist church had been raised up and organized on a military base through the ministry of a Seventh-day Adventist chaplain.
Medical Evangelism for Ministerial Workers
All gospel workers' should have some medical training.