Our Rendezvous With Destiny
Commencement address given at the twenty-third commencement of the Theological Seminary, May 17, 1955.
Messianic Echoes in Jewish Traditions—Parts IV and V
Parts IV and V of our look at messianic echoes in Jewish tradition.
Sons of Strangers Shall Build Up Thy Walls" (Part V)
Or Shall "Strange Fire" of Some Sons Damage Our Walls?
The Ministry of Benevolence
Take the Iron Out of Our Souls. Counsel from the Spirit of Prophecy.
Do Women Figure in Evangelism?
Pointedly, though we need various types of workers for our educational, medical, and publishing work, evangelism also greatly needs a strong force of personal workers.
The Fine Art of Quoting
Quotations can make or break sermons. The following suggestions are offered as an aid in making the most of quotations that speakers might wish to use in their pulpit discourses.