Proving Our Trust
In view of our great moment of opportunity, we need to ask ourselves: Are we measuring up to the challenge of the hour? Are we true to the trust God has committed to us?
Gleams of the Golden Morning
Reflections Based on the International Congress on Prophecy Held in New York City, November 6-13
Where Is the Lamb?
What test can compare with that of being called upon to sacrifice the miraculous son of one's old age?
Gramophone Records Speed Gospel Proclamation
The gospel to all the world in this generation is a big task. But with God, nothing is impossible. May this not be one of the means the Lord has of finishing His work and cutting it short in righteousness?
A New Day in Southern Asia
A tonic power is not the only giant let loose on this generation. One of God's special gifts to twentieth-century evangelism is the modern method of mass communication provided by radio, television, and the Bible correspondence school.