Evangelism—A Principle, Not an Expedient
Evangelism is to the church what wings are to a bird! Clip the wings and the bird falters in its flight and finally ends up creeping! An odd position for a bird—creeping!
Our Daily Bread
The petition, "Give us this day our daily bread," is more than an illustration of the depth and breadth and height of the loving care of God.
How to Plan a Program for the Church Year
The important role of planning and preparation to preaching.
Intemperance—An Inveterate Evil
We may think of intemperance as the octopus of sin. It is an inveterate evil that can strike at the heart of even a preacher.
Are you an evangelist?
All who are authorized to preach are evangelists by act and not by method.
What Doest Thou Here?
One of the most thrillingly interesting and dramatic meetings it has ever been my pleasure to attend was a gathering of some four hundred Protestant missionaries in Central China.
The Distinctiveness in Adventist Preaching
A preacher can be the best Adventist in his church, and every minister should be, and yet not make his ministry and preaching distinctively Adventist.
What About Our Atomic Bomb Sermons?
How much the seeming imminence of war affect our discourse and sermons?
Religious Groups in Our Evangelism (Part III)
We here continue the discussion begun in the preceding number of THE MINISTRY on our approaches to other Protestant groups.