General Semantics and the Pastor
Part II of why pastors should study words.
HERBERT E. DOUGLASS, Instructor, Department of Religion, Pacific Union College
HERBERT E. DOUGLASS, Instructor, Department of Religion, Pacific Union College
August 1956
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Why Men Come
Why do men seek Christ?
Faithfulness in the Closing Work
Address given at General Conference morning worship during the 1956 Spring Council.
How Do We Pray?
From the editor's desk, we ask how we are to pray to our Father above.
Significant Contacts by Seminary Faculty Members
From the recent Conference on Marriage and the Family.
The Pulse of the Church
How to Improve Attendance at Prayer Meeting.
Ministering to the Sick and Bereaved
This material was presented at a regular meeting of the Yakima Valley Chapter of CME Alumni, Sunnyside, Washington.—EDITORS.
The Scriptural Basis for a Seventh-day Adventist Philosophy of Pastoral Care
How we are to meet fear the biblical way.
Characteristics of the Pastor-Counselor
The pastor-counselor will never make any counselee feel that the problem he wishes to discuss is too trivial for his attention.
New Roadside Church Sign
The new Seventh-day Adventist roadside sign now being made available to all our churches had its beginning at the Ministerial Council in San Francisco in 1954. The council's recommendation has resulted in this simple but effective marker.
The Foundation of the Adventist Faith
Do we ground our beliefs in revelation or experience?
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