A Revolution in the Early Chronology of Western Asia
An accurate chronological scheme is essential for a correct understanding of Bible history.
The Jew and the Kingdom
What is the proper understanding of the millennium and its relation to the Jews?
Importance of the Ministry of Visitation
From a Department of Practical Theology term paper, class of Human Relationships, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.
Ministering to the Sick Part 1
Today no well-trained physician concerns himself merely with the physical needs of his patient. They must concern themselves with the whole need of the individual.
Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine
In anticipation of the most carefully scrutinized book we have published.
"A Sound From Heaven"
Summary of talk given by R. R. Figuhr at opening of 1957 Spring Council.
Illuminated Signboard for Evangelistic Advertising
The illuminated signboard herewith described with the aid of accompanying photographs and diagrams is the result of years of search to find a suitable method of easily readable, readily changeable, illuminated advertising for evangelistic meetings. It is portable, and readily adaptable for use at tent, tabernacle, church, or hall.
I Was Brought Up on Books
This article is held in copyright by Christian Herald and used by permission of the journal and the author. Excerpts from the Christian Herald's Spring Book Section 1957 in the March, 1957, issue.