The H.M.S. Richards Lectureship on Preaching
Preaching under the impact of the Holy Spirit is the greatest power known among men. And nothing is more important.
What Is Preaching?
This is the first in the series of nine lectures by the Voice of Prophecy speaker, delivered in the H. M. S. Richards Lectureship on Preaching, Washington Missionary College, May 12, 1957.
The Context in Which We Preach
A portion of Dr. Niles's John Knox House Lecture (July, 1956) is here made available to THE MINISTRY readers by courtesy of the John Knox House Association, of Geneva, Switzerland.
Evangelism in This Atomic Age
For the last church of prophetic origin this solemn time calls for a decided renaissance of evangelism.
"That Hearts May Find God"
This is the most worthy of all human objectives in every truly Christian service and in every ministerial utterance—that hearts may find God.
Motivation for Service
"Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?" (1 Chron. 29:5).
A Plan for Teaching Patients in S.D.A. Hospitals III
The third part of our method to reaching people for Christ in our hospitals.
Recent Information on Trichinosis
Up-to-date information concerning trichinosis, a pork infestation transmitted to man, is appearing continually in medical journals. What does the latest research say?