Spiritualism's "New Look" Part II
The growing challenge of spiritualism to the Adventist ministry.
Unorthodox Spirit Healings
The difference between God-centered and spirit-centered healings.
Parapsychology and Modern Thought
Meeting the latest challenges of the myths of spiritualism.
"What of Seventh-day Adventism?"
Two articles by Harold Lindsell, faculty dean at Fuller Theological Seminary, recently appeared in Christianity Today, under the above title. Melvin Hickman here presents his observations on Dr. Lindsell's criticism that Adventism is not deserving an evangelical status.
The Evangelistic Preaching Wheel
From a tape recording of chapel talks by J. L. Shuler at the Theological Seminary.
Public Relations Spearhead in Dark-County Evangelism
It pays to launch a public relations program before conducting a major evangelistic campaign. Here's what you can do.
Planning Your Vacation
All workers should be encouraged to take an annual vacation. But how do you go about planning for it?
The Marks of a Christian Scholar
Address given at the commencement exercises of Potomac University, May 22, 1958.