The Line Must Not Break!

The monthly Bible Instructor column.

Louise C. Kleuser is an Associate Secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association

Recently we laid to rest a great princess in Israel, Margaret Murdoch Reeves, the noble and esteemed wife of Elder Clifford Reeves, a former evangelist and now an instructor of evangelism at Southern Missionary College. Margaret had graduated from our college at Stanborough Park, England, after completing the Bible instructor's course in 1924. From her early days she had dreamed of becoming a Bible teacher, and before entering the profession she had already won precious souls to Christ. Then in 1928 she united in marriage with Clifford Reeves, a promising young evangelist.

Margaret and Clifford served well in the British Union, Canada, and the United States. A few years were also spent in Australia, where many rejoice in the blessed message because of their instruction. During the years of service rendered by the Reeves as an evangelistic team, the skillful and humble work of this noble woman can hardly be estimated.

We in the Ministerial Association became well acquainted with Sister Reeves, and her passing from us should not be considered another of death's tragedies; it must speak a message to our Bible instructors, and to those who are still in training. Those who were present at the Cleveland General Conference will remember her inspiring message to the Bible instructors and shepherdesses at their meeting during the presession. She was laid to rest soon after this, but her words of inspira­tion to our workers will live on. Her great burden was to encourage younger women to dedicate their lives to the Bible work.

Sister Reeves had met life's trials and dis­appointments, for in the gospel worker's ex­perience these come to all. She had a way of smilingly making very light of what others might consider severe tests, and rejoicing in her privilege to serve her Master in our wonder­ful message. It may be truly said of her that she lived to bless and encourage others. In our last visit together, when we saw no reason for discussing any other theme than her continu­ance in the work, she sweetly expressed her desire to be able to train many other young women for evangelistic service. With great joy she anticipated her new responsibilities in the college where she and Elder Reeves would soon be serving. Rosemary, her young daughter, was with us at the time. With Christian pride this noble mother pointed to the child, who was fondling her doll, and said, "Rosemary is giving Bible studies to her dolls and also to the chil­dren with whom she plays." The Bible work was indeed a family affair. Perhaps Rosemary will someday pick up the torch her noble mother has laid down; who knows?

Again we repeat, a princess has fallen in Israel! Margaret Reeves's career as a Bible in­structor has ended, but her last messages to interest consecrated young women in this holy calling will continue to be heard. The line must not break where she fell in death. A new challenge comes to each Bible instructor to keep replenishing the ranks of such noble women in evangelism. The cause today needs many more women with the consecration dem­onstrated by Mrs. Reeves. As our Bible instruc­tors around the world study the Advent mes­sage with those who are finding their way into the church, let us guide the parents to dedicate their daughters to the Bible work.

Louise C. Kleuser is an Associate Secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association

December 1958

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