An Important Project Calling for Special Prayer

We solicit your interest. Pray for this project.

R.A.A. is editor of the Ministry.

It was a hot summer day in Australia. I was visiting with Dr. F. W. Boreham, well-known author and preacher. We had met years earlier, and because I had read the majority of his inspiring books, we had much in common. It was a pleasure to con­verse with this sage thinker. For more than fifty years he has been a devoted serv­ant of the Christian cause.

At the close of our visit we prayed to­gether, and I was about to leave the home when he said: "You know, you Adventists are very near our hearts. Naturally, we have family worship in our home. Yes, we meet in prayer twice a day, but on the Sabbath we especially remember you dear people before the throne of God. We pray that as your congregations meet in worship, the Lord will greatly bless you and help your ministers to uplift Jesus before the peo­ple. And not only do we pray for you but on that day we also have special prayer for the Jews, asking that as they offer their wor­ship in synagogues or in isolation, some­how the world's Redeemer will reveal Him­self to them."

As I left that hospitable home those words were ringing in my ears. To think that this minister of another faith was praying every week for the blessing of God upon our Adventist believers around the world! It was both gratifying and challeng­ing. But not only was this kind Chris­tian leader and his family praying for us but on the Sabbath they were also especially remembering the Jews before the throne of grace. Deep thoughts filled my heart and I asked myself: "Do we pray for our fel­low Christians as they meet in worship? But more, are we found offering special prayers for the Jews on the Sabbath?"

Years ago the messenger of the Lord said:

In the closing proclamation of the gospel, when special work is to be done for classes of people hitherto neglected, God expects His messengers to take particular interest in the Jewish people whom they find in all parts of the earth.—The Acts of the Apostles, p. 381.

The time is coming when there will be as many converted in a day as there were on the day of Pentecost, after the disciples had received the Holy Spirit.—The Review and Herald, June 29, 1905.

We must get away from our smallness, and make larger plans. There must be a wider reaching forth to work for those who are nigh, and those who are afar off. . . . Let there be special efforts made for the enlightenment of the Jews.Ellen G. White manuscript 87, 1907.

Among the Jews are some who, like Saul of Tarsus, are mighty in the Scriptures, and these will proclaim with wonderful power the immuta­bility of the law of God.—The Acts of the Apostles, p. 381.

Converted Jews are to have an important part to act in the great preparations to be made in the future to receive Christ, our Prince.—Evangelism, p. 579.

As this issue goes to press, more than 6,500 copies of Patriarchs and Prophets are being sent to the rabbis throughout North America. This is a gesture of friend­ship, and we hope it will be accepted as a contribution in the study of comparative religions, and not be interpreted as propa­ganda. We who know this book know its value and its power. During the months of February and March these volumes will go to these responsible leaders. Should they not go backed by our prayers? The Gen­eral Conference officers with others gave special study to this matter and recom­mended that the project be laid before our ministers, urging that each of us take this to his heart. We are confident that if this were brought to our members and made a spe­cial project for intercession at our prayer meetings during this month of March, it would result in marvelous blessing. Under the guidance of the Spirit of God, these books might be to many the discovery of old truths in a new and glorious light. Per­haps some Saul of Tarsus might see the full light of God and not be disobedient to the heavenly vision.

The spirit in which the plan has been received by the union conferences of North America is encouraging. Some of our strong financial areas do not require as many copies of this gift book as do some others. Where this is the case, those more fortu­nate have shared the expense. For this we thank God. We solicit your interest. Pray for this project.

R. A. A.

R.A.A. is editor of the Ministry.

March 1959

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