Confirmation of the Adventist stand on healthful living is becoming rather commonplace. Position after position is being substantiated. Even the purely traditional practices of the church are being supported such as the recent revelation that in _______ lipstick, a toxic tar is present that can produce skin irritations and ulcers. These things give confidence to the man of God who is striving earnestly to keep the world out of the church and the church out of the world.
E. E. C.
"The day of efforts in tents is past," observed a sage among us. While he yet spake, one man was baptizing three hundred and another four hundred in a tent effort. It would appear that our problem lies not in our environment but in ourselves. There are men conducting successful campaigns under the stars. Any and all mediums of meeting the people must be utilized for the promulgation of this message. Our disenchantment need not be with our means but with flesh and blood—specifically our own.
E. E. C.
Is the pressure of the program more than you can bear? Don't blame the program. It has always been that way. From the day it was first initiated by our Lord, to our own times, the impossibility of one man being "sufficient for these things" has been apparent. That is why church organization has provided for the setting aside of elders, deacons, and other associates to lift their share of the load. Some men are like the farmer who was seen hand plowing his field while his tractor stood idly by, built for work, but unused.
E. E. C.