With Our Editor in Northern Europe
A report of the Seminary Extension schools held in Northern Europe.
Can You Raise Funds?
How to raise funds for building and budget programs is a question that has plagued our ministry through the years and has become one of the greatest problems facing the churches today.
The College Ministerial Curriculum Its Structure and Contents
The author of this article presents his personal views in a way that will provoke thought in all of us as we see the development of graduate ministerial training within the framework of our denominational system of education.—EDITORS
"I Consulted With Myself"
There is a place in the minister's experience for consultation with God
The Better Life Picture Roll
A new way to keep abreast of all new developments in soul winning.
Two Seminary Extension Schools in the Northern European Division
During the months of June, July, and August, two Seminary Extension Schools were held, one in England at Newbold Missionary College, from June 1 to July 15, and the other in Norway at Tyrifjord Hoyere Skole, (Norwegian Junior College) from July 20 to August 27.
Alcoholism and the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Concluded)
A look at the characteristics and different kind of alcoholics.