Protestant Episcopal Church—Anglican
The American Episcopal church is a self-governing branch of the Anglican Communion. At the 1930 Lambeth Conference it was declared as a "Fellowship within the one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church ... in communion with the See of Canterbury."
Candles in the Night—No. 4
Quakerism has made distinctive contributions to Christian thought. Its women were spiritually inclined, domestically skilled, and had courage like steel. In fact, the tenacity of Quaker women made history.
Spiritual Witness in Our Sanitarium
This article will deal with the workers of the Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital at Hinsdale, Illinois. This institution is bearing strong witness for the truth. It seems appropriate that a report should go out to the readers of the Ministry magazine, giving a brief resume of what is actually being accomplished by way of evangelism.
What Has Happened to the Singing Evangelist?
Why is it on the testimony of administrators and leading evangelists that the number of singing evangelists is constantly dwindling? Is there a reason why each year those who are talented in this line are seeking and accepting other work within the ranks of the organization? It would be folly for me to think that I have the answer, but I would like to share some of my convictions.
Daniel Eight in the New Testament
It is a significant fact that the only time Christ gave a command to understand a specific Old Testament prophecy He placed His finger upon Daniel 8:9-14. Not only so, but the two chief writers of the New Testament, Paul and John, by allusion to this same prophecy reinforced their Lord's admonition.
The Cairo Center
THE story of the Cairo Center is a story of the miraculous love and power of the Lord. Christian leaders of both Orthodox and Protestant denominations have been amazed to learn that Seventh-day Adventists received permission to build such an institution on one of the city's main squares.
Dedicating the Church
The dedication of a church is always a most inspirational and joyous hour. Understandably, the pastor is eager to develop a dignified, meaningful service worthy of the occasion.
Andrews University Extension School at Beirut, Lebanon
Adventist ministers and teachers in the Middle East enjoyed a special emphasis this summer on the study of evangelistic procedures and the Bible in the light of archeology. The experience was one that will long be remembered and appreciated.