Pointers for Preachers
Swallowed by Affluence! What is expected of a Preacher? Ghetto-Minded
Candles in the Night—No. 5
Many a needy Dorcas Society in our ranks would grow in strength and usefulness if more of our sisters exemplified Catherine Booth's spirit of devotion and self-sacrifice.
"What You Dare to Dream, Dare to Do"
I had been looking forward to the time when my sons and I could visit our home community in northern Minnesota and bring the three angels' messages to our relatives and friends through the literature ministry. This dream was translated into reality a year ago after the close of school.
Sabbathkeeping in our medical institutions *
From the day that first medical unit opened in Battle Creek to the present time, each Sabbath, as it has come from week to week, has been a test both to the individual employee and also to the management of every Seventh-day Adventist medical institution.
The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
This unsolicited article from a veteran Bible teacher will provoke thought on a subject of interest to our readers. We print it in the interest of objective study in an area that is at once both vital and, in the hands of the immature student, dangerous. It is therefore to be studied with care and reverence.
How God Prepares a Minister *
If you want to know how God prepares a minister, study Isaiah 6:1-9.
Report of the Los Angeles Campaign and Field School
THE Los Angeles evangestic campaign and field school, conducted in the city of Los Angeles for four months, reached its climax in the baptism of 319 new believers with additional rebaptisms. All of the participants in this vast program are united in giving God full glory for the accomplishments of this campaign.
Large Baptism in Menado, North Celebes, Indonesia
Large Baptism in Menado, North Celebes, Indonesia