ONE hundred and thirty-three precious souls were baptized after an eight-week evangelistic campaign held in Menado, Celebes.
As public halls were not available we decided the only thing we could do was to hold the meetings in our own church. This decision was made in spite of the fact that we knew the people were prejudiced against Adventist meetings, especially when they were held in a Seventh-day Adventist church. Many of our workers and laymen were afraid the people would not come.
However, we went forward in faith, and it seemed a miracle took place. The people flocked from all parts of the city, and when they saw the crowds outside the church, which had been advertised as "The Hall of Hope," they decided to enter anyway in spite of the fact that it was an Adventist church. And the result was this wonderful baptism of 133 men and women.
At the baptism six pastors officiated, immersing six candidates at the same time. It was the largest baptism ever held in north Celebes, if not in all Indonesia, as the result of a single campaign. All the candidates were from this one city.
We praise God for the success of the accomplish this task of winning souls for campaign and for the ability He gave us to His kingdom.