A Word to Fellow Workers
We here at the Voice of Prophecy wish to express our appreciation to all our workers for their cooperation and support so freely given in our efforts to broadcast the gospel message and to carry on the Bible correspondence schools connected with our program.
Losing Contact with God
Oh that I knew where I might find him," cried the distraught Job. Have you lost contact with God? The third in a series of worship talks given at the General Conference, Washington, D.C.
"Physicians of No Value"
Recent experiences have pressed upon the writer of this article the conviction that there is a kind of religious counseling that profits but little, being worth about as much as the barren and desolate advice offered by the scribes and Pharisees of bygone days. We need to beware of it, lest it be said of us as was said to Job's well-meaning counselors, "But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value" (Job 13:4).
With the Seminary in Japan
The latest extension school of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary of Andrews University was conducted during the months of February and March, 1962. It was held on the campus of Japan Missionary College, some forty miles southeast of Tokyo, Japan, which in the past has played a major role in the training of Japanese ministers.
A Study in Personalities— Mary, Judas, Simon, and Jesus
How Jesus affected the life of these individuals
Myopic or Hypermetropic?
Are we myopic or hypermetropic? Do we look down selfishly for material things and earthly honor or are we looking beyond with the prophets of God to the grand climax?
Developing Indigenous Leadership
Part of the aim of the Great Commission is the raising up in every land and among all peoples a church adequately manned and led by indigenous workers, and maintained by the tithes and offerings of the people they serve.