An Examination of the Claims of the Sacred Name Movement

In recent years a number of tracts have been distrib­uted originating with the Faith Bible & Tract Society in Salem, West Virginia, insist­ing that Christians ought to address the Deity by His He­brew name, and avoid using such terms as "Lord," "God," or "Jesus."

DON NEUFELD, Research Book Editor, Review and Herald

and it was vari­ously applied to the `Sun-God.' "—Ibid., p.8.

Anyone, therefore, who addresses the Deity by the terms "God," "Lord," "Jesus," is charged with worshiping in the name of pagan deities.

The aim of the movement is to destroy "the detestable, pagan, substitute names, which have been fostered by an apostate religion, and imposed upon an unsuspect­ing religious world," and to "restore the Holy name of our Heavenly Father."—Why Worship in the Names of Pagan De­ities? pp. 6, 15. This holy name, they say, is "Yahweh."

Those whose aim it is to restore this name call their efforts The Sacred Name Movement, and their message the Back to Yahweh message. For the sake of conveni­ence and brevity, in this article we shall refer to them as Sacred Namites.

A careful reading of the tracts reveals a total lack of evidence for the allegations made. No valid reason is given as to why Christians should change their age-long cus­toms and begin to use only the Hebrew names of the Deity. Many Scripture texts are quoted, but none of these support the claims set forth.

But the matter is more serious than this. If their allegations were true, the Scrip­ture writers themselves would stand in­dicted, for these authors use names and titles that the Sacred Namites condemn. Such an implied condemnation of those who wrote under inspiration of the Holy Spirit is indeed grave, and almost akin to blasphemy.

We should be able to let the matter rest here, for normally one is not required to disprove what has not been proved. However, not all will have the pamphlets available to see for themselves this total lack of evidence. Furthermore, many of those who do are unfamiliar with Hebrew and Greek, and hence unable to evaluate the allegations presented. We shall there­fore proceed to show that these allegations are contrary to Scripture and slanderous of the Scripture writers.