"...And All the World Wondered"
Who could have believed that the liturgical mass of the Roman Catholic Church, with its historic intonations in the Latin language, would give way to the pressure of these modern times?
The Challenge of Modern Intellectual Errors (Part 1)
This writer analyzes the influences undermining the idea of God in the world today. The logical consequence of Darwinian evolution—"hostility, compromise, acceptance"—are here presented and documented in a way that will help our readers.
The True Israel of God
This article answers or introduces a series of important questions: Does the Bible reveal what happened to the captive tribes of Israel and Judah? What was God's kingdom purpose through His people Israel? Did God fail or did His people? Why are Christians so divided over God's prophetic promises to Israel? What is meant by "the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof?" Who are God's true Israel?
The Influence and Image of the Minister in the Church and the Community
The time was when as pastor he was the "person" of the community. What has his role become now?
Extracts on Laymen's Work
It is our policy to foster close relationships between the laity and the ministry, each having vital functions to perform in the work of the church. We feel the following quotations on the subject will be of interest to our readers.—Eds.
Strengthening the Short Campaign (Part 1)
A Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic preaching campaign, whether it is conducted for a few weeks or for several months, will prove effective in proportion to proper preparation before the first sermon and the thorough follow-through after the last sermon by the evangelist.