The Available Eloquence

What makes a great preacher—eloquence, knowledge, preaching and organizational technique, or piety? Here is a brief expression of the need for constant spiritual revival that alone can control, direct, and fructify all our ministerial experience and ability.

R. L. WOODFORS, Pastor, Ephesus Church, New Orleans

Through the years at our evangelistic institutes across the nation much emphasis has been placed on methods, tools, and techniques. We have stressed the all-important top­ics: organizing for greater ef­ficiency, selecting the evange­listic site, advertising, how to secure bigger attendance, the importance of music, et cetera.

All of these are vitally important topics, and every successful evangelist will en­deavor to master these as well as all other good methods and techniques that will help to facilitate the ever-expanding pro­gram of evangelism. However, the time has come when in addition to all these things, a spiritual revival such as has never been known should come upon the minis­try.

A great and solemn truth has been en­trusted to God's ambassadors. They must be indited by the power of the Holy Spirit to adequately fulfill this responsibility.

Many are concerned about eloquent de­livery, mastering elaborate discourses, which display self, but do not magnify Christ. And much of the truth is lost and is powerless to transform lives because the power of the Spirit of God is lacking. Ellen G. White says: "A theory of the truth without vital godliness cannot re­move the moral darkness which envelops the soul."—Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 314. There is something that is far more es­sential than a thorough knowledge of the message and having an innate ability for speaking with unusual wisdom of words.

"Christ presented the truth in its simplic­ity; and He reached not only the most elevated, but the lowliest men of earth.

The minister who is God's ambassador and Christ's representative on the earth, who humbles himself that God may be exalted, will possess the genuine quality of elo­quence. True piety, a close connection with God, and a daily, living experience in the knowledge of Christ, will make eloquent even the stammering tongue."—Ibid.

Many of us then should take courage. Although we may not have the gift of oratory or the fluency of speech that some others possess, yet if there is a close con­nection with God, if there is true piety and a daily, living experience in the knowledge of God, there is available to us a genuine quality of eloquence that men may see even though they may not hear.

"A vital connection with the chief Shep­herd will make the undershepherd a living representative of Christ, a light indeed to the world. An understanding of all points of our faith is indeed essential, but it is of greater importance that the minister be sanctified through the truth which he pre­sents for the purpose of enlightening the consciences of his hearers. . . .

"We need a converted ministry; other­wise the churches raised up through their labors, having no root in themselves, will not be able to stand alone.".—Ibid., p. 315.

Christ who has chosen the ministers, "who knows the hearts of all men, will give him tongue and utterance, that he may speak the words he ought to speak at the right time and with power. And those who become truly convicted of sin, and charmed with the Way, the Truth, and the Life, will find sufficient to do without praising and extolling the ability of the minister. Christ and His love will be exalted above any human instrument. The man will be lost sight of because Christ is magnified and is the theme of thought."—Ibid., p. 316.

Abilities and qualifications that men possess do not of themselves win souls. If they did, many who now are rejoicing in the light of truth would still be in the darkness of error.

The men whom Christ chose were not all men of great talent or men who were elo­quent speakers. They were humble men. They were willing to surrender themselves to Christ and they wanted a daily, living experience in the things of God. And they became eloquent soul winners.

The world today needs men who are willing to consecrate themselves and their talents to God. Men who will humble themselves so that God may be exalted and avail themselves of this genuine qual­ity of eloquence. Then we may become mighty instruments in the hands of God in the finishing of His work.

May God grant that each of us may have this great blessing.

R. L. WOODFORS, Pastor, Ephesus Church, New Orleans

August 1963

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The Priesthood of Jesus

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