Breaking Through Barriers
This study was presented to the members of the Public Relations Advisory Committee at a meeting in Dallas, Texas, March 24-26, 1963.
The Holy Spirit and the Church (Conclusion)
There are three fundamental facts about the Holy Spirit that every Christian worker and believer should understand.
Phobos is one of those important words of the New Testament that are frequently overlooked by the Bible student. Yet it is a word the usage of which depicts man's relationship to God, his fellows, the judgment, authority, death, and salvation.
Grief in Human Experience
This is the conclusion of an article that appeared in the March issue of THE MINISTRY. We regret the delay in its appearance. These articles were part of an Andrews University presentation and discussion that aroused considerable interest.
A New Approach in the Midweek Service
These reports represent Prophetic Guidance classes conducted in two of the denomination's important churches, and testimonies of church and school leaders who participated in the classwork in the national capital area. This material truly represents a new approach in the midweek service and suggests a practical and proven method for building Wednesday night attendance. Suggestion: Why not start planning now to present this series dealing with the prophetic guidance of the Lord in the Advent Movement and particularly the life and work of Ellen G. White, and announce the first class for late September or early October. If you will plan an extra or two besides the regular weekly class sessions, the group of enthusiastic students will finish the class before Christmas!
Welcome to Prophetic Guidance Class, Number One
Elder Strunk explains the how of conducting a Prophetic Guidance class.