Organization and Discipline of the Mind
An address to a group of workers, in which some definite personal convictions are expressed about TV, newspapers and other reading material, the organization of the daily program, et cetera. Some practical suggestions for a reading program conclude this challenging presentation.
The Untenable Position of the Christian Evolutionist
The objective of this discussion is not to re-enact the Scopes trial of 1925 nor to persuade anyone as to which is truth and which is error; but rather to demonstrate that these two concepts or doctrines (Christianity and evolution) are completely antagonistic toward each other.
The Time is Short
What did the New Testament authors mean when they said the time is short?
The Sinlessness of the Sin Bearer
The testimony of the Scriptures to the sinlessness of the Man Jesus, who came "in the likeness of sinful flesh" to save sinners, is clear and full.
How About Platform Appearance and Manners?
Ministers are salesmen too. We are selling the greatest product of service in all the world, and our habits and appearance decidedly help or hurt our chances of success.
Church Music and the Bible
*This article was read to the students of Union College at a chapel service and is submitted to the MINISTRY on the recommendation of the college music faculty.