Steps to Success

Here is practical advice from a busy preacher in a large church. Things old and new, and forgotten things, are here set forth succinctly for busy men and women.

JOHN R. LOOR, Pastor. Dallas, Texa

Every worker for God de­sires to be successful. We are told that a disciplined, organized mind is essential for such success. Also that the worker for Christ should not shun mental discipline.

In other words, we should be willing for the Holy Spirit to organize us. We, who are so accustomed to organizing others, must not resist organization our­selves. And this goes for our other workers too. Sometimes this can be slightly painful, if we have been lax along these lines. Our type of work is a perfect target for Satan as he strives to create disorder. We have no time clock to punch like some other workers. The responsibility of faithfully utilizing our time is ours.

God's servant tells us that we must have rules to achieve success through order and discipline. What are some of these rules?

Recognize Priority

"By dallying over the less important mat­ters, they find themselves hurried, per­plexed, and confused when they are called upon to do those duties that are more es­sential."—Evangelism, p. 649. (Italics sup­plied.) We need to know how, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to put first things first.

Have a Plan

"Everything must be done according to a well-matured plan, and with system."­Ibid. That doesn't leave much out, does it? Sometimes we all feel too busy to take time to plan. But if we would do this we would save more time in the final analysis.

Cultivate Regularity and Punctuality

We all have occasions when the best schedule is interrupted; nevertheless, a definite schedule is necessary in order to work smoothly and successfully. Here is a challenge: "Regularity in all things is es­sential. Never be late to an appointment." —Ibid. None of us like to see people strag­gling into Sabbath school and the worship service late. How do we feel when the sit­uation is sometimes reversed?

Make Words and Time Count

We should never be too busy to really help precious souls, and may God guard us from "professionalism," but we should avoid much lost motion. "In no department or office should time be lost in unnecessary conversations."—Ibid. Let us make our time really count for Christ, for souls, and for eternity.

Prompt Attention to Important Matters

By important matters we mean more than priority. We need to recognize what is important, but we must also move ahead quickly on those very things. If you ques­tion this at all, listen to this: "The unfor­tunate habit of neglecting a special work which needs to be done at a certain time trebles the difficulty of performing it later with exactness and without leaving some­thing neglected or unfinished."—Ibid., p. 651. I don't believe that any of us desire to triple the difficulties of any of our work.

Have a Notebook and Use It

"If necessary, have a small book in which to jot down the things that need to be done, and set yourself a time in which to do your work."—The Youth's Instructor, Jan. 28, 1897. If you would avoid many "slips" and the constant clouds of uneasiness involved in wondering whether you are forgetting to do something, be sure to make good use of your "little book."

Have No Side Lines

There is much that could be said in this area and in matters of definition. May the Holy Spirit guide all of us, as we consider the principle enunciated in the following:

"Elder ________  will surely lose his bearings unless he ceases to interest himself in work that God does not require him to do, work that demands attention to business details. By engaging in secular work he would not be doing that which has been appointed him by God. The proclamation of the gos­pel message will be his light and life."--Evangelism, p. 654. What is our real "light" and "life"?

One more point should be mentioned. I believe that it is clearly supported in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.

Regular Rest Hours

God's Word says we should be "temper­ate in all things." Do we sometimes even boast of our irregular, intemperate pro­grams as though we are almost proud of them? If God's worker is tired, nothing seems right. His God, his own experience, his church members, and his own family—all suffer as a consequence. It takes disci­pline to get sufficient physical rest in many cases. It is important. Leave some things to unfinished business. The late Robert Frost put it this way: "I leave a great deal to unfinished business."

Lest anyone misunderstand, let me has­ten to add that this, in no way, undoes the previous statements in our list. Donald Cul­ross Peattie's comment on Frost's statement will clarify:

"Roll them about in your mind, you wor­ried and hurried ones. Savor the richness of time and patience, of hope and faith, that lies in this simple utterance. For there is much in the business of our lives that we cannot hasten, for all the urgency of speed that today devils us. There is much—and this is true of the most important of our af­fairs—that cannot be concluded in a day, or a week, or a month, but must be let to take a guided course. We are too prone to bring it with us to our rest, and thrash it over uselessly. . . . When an acorn fallen from an oak at last splits husk, sprouts, and begins to take root, how much unfinished business lies ahead of it! It has no contract with the sun and rain to have become an oak tree by a certain date. But with their help, it will grow until it towers and spreads shade, in the good time we call God's. We ought as trustingly to let our plans and problems ripen to solution, knowing there is another Hand in the business besides our own. To leave a question to 'unfinished business' is not to abandon the task. It is to attain the serenity which will give us strength to carry on with it when the call to effort comes."

Even in God's work, we must, in this sense, leave a great deal to "unfinished business."

If, by the grace of God and with the help of His Holy Spirit, we follow such God-given suggestions, what will be the result? There is no question. Here it is: "Such a training is necessary not only for the young men but for the older workers in order that their ministry may be free from mis­takes, and their sermons be clear, accurate, and convincing."—Evangelism, p. 648. May God give us such an experience and such a ministry.

JOHN R. LOOR, Pastor. Dallas, Texa

November 1963

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