Seminary Extension School in Southern Europe

The summer Extension School of the Theological Seminary of Andrews Uni­versity was sponsored by the Southern European Division and held at the Semi­naire Adventiste, Collonges-sous-Saleve, France.

W. G. C. MURDOCH, Director

The summer Extension School of the Theological Seminary of Andrews Uni­versity was sponsored by the Southern European Division and held at the Semi­naire Adventiste, Collonges-sous-Saleve, France. This college is beautifully situated on the slopes of Mount Saleve near Geneva, Switzerland. A most capable group of ministers were in attendance, coming from four­teen different countries. Although the lec­tures had to be translated and there was a problem of books for collateral reading, the standard of scholarship maintained by the students was of a very high quality. Many followed the discussions of the theological problems in the original Hebrew and Greek, and this added much to the understanding of the great themes presented.

R. A. Anderson gave a rich offering in the field of pastoral theology and led the stu­dents into the fundamental principles of true worship. He stressed the important place of music in approaching God. Alfred Vaucher, the veteran Bible teacher of Eu­rope, offered a stimulating class in the eschatology of Calvin. He also gave a series of lectures at the chapel hour on the history and meaning of the true Sabbath. E. W. Tarr, secretary of the Public Relations De­partment of the General Conference, taught a class in the place of the church in the community and outlined the duty of the minister in cultivating good public re­lations. The director of the school, W. G. C. Murdoch, led the class into the inexhaus­tible theme of the atonement and the work of our great High Priest in dealing with the problem of sin.

An added feature of this Extension Seminary School was the lectures given by certain specialists in their fields. B. E. Seton gave a series on the teaching of the Bible; Jean Zurcher on the doctrine of man; Norkert Hugede on the koine Greek; W. E. Read on Christology; and R. Dederen on ecumenism.

Each Friday evening a symposium of ministers from each country presented the trials and triumphs of the message in their various territories.

We have an efficient group of workers in the Southern European Division. They carry heavy responsibilities, for many of the lands from which they come have restrictions and prejudices unknown in other parts of our world field. It was a great privilege for the Extension School faculty to serve these consecrated and talented men. They were hungry for the exegesis of the Word of God, and their hearts thrilled as we studied together week after week.

M. Fridlin, the president of the division, gave of his efficient leadership, and P. Steiner, the educational secretary, and G. Cupertino, from the Ministerial Associa­tion, did much in organization to make this Extension School a success.

In these historic lands so steeped in theological controversies, our message is making steady progress. We believe that our studying together in this Extension School will be a definite contributing factor in a great advance in soul winning in these difficult countries.

As the teachers and students gathered around the table of the Lord on the last Tuesday evening, there were many expres­sions of appreciation for the helpful time spent in the classes. At the last chapel hour Dr. R. A. Anderson made an appeal for re-consecration, and there was an immediate and wholehearted response. We all de­termined to go back to our tasks with a new zeal and a greater desire for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon us so that the work may be quickly finished.

W. G. C. MURDOCH, Director

December 1963

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