The church has long waited for a program that would inspire the members to active visitation. All are aware that "the work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers."— Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 117.
Our faithful laymen do respond to the various programs that the church promotes. However, we must admit that it is rather difficult to get a large number of the members to engage in visiting systematically the same persons until Bible studies are established. They are at a loss to know the proper approach. "What shall I say?" And then, "How shall I say it?" They are filled with the dread of making a mistake and thereby closing the door for the qualified worker who knows how to come in with the proper approach. Therefore they hold back, and the qualified one is not always available, and neighbors and friends are left unwarned.
God has blessed through the years as we have employed every possible means to instruct and encourage our laymen in soul winning. But at times we have failed to provide the timid layman with the proper instrument by which he can find easy access to homes. Does It Is Written have such a means of approach and admission to homes?
It was my privilege to be connected with the It Is Written campaign in the city of Los Angeles. My special assignment was to accompany laymen to homes where they had made contact with those who had viewed the telecast and had requested Take His Word.
I was delighted to find the type of people in our churches who offered their services. Ordinarily in a visitation program the same faithful few respond. But in this campaign it was different. Those of affluence and culture gave their service without reservation.
My next observation concerned the attitude of the layman in approaching the home and when actually in the home of the It Is Written interest. There was no evidence of timidity or fear as to what say.
There was something to talk about, there were questions to answer, and all in an atmosphere of geniality. What, I asked, has made for such good public relations? Is it the layman? Or could it be the program?
The dignity with which It Is Written is conducted commends it to all types. The messages presented have a definite attraction and appeal to all classes. It is truly a means of opening doors. This is why our laymen enter into the visitation program without fear. Evidently It Is Written has it!
The time has come when the light of truth will flash everywhere:
"During the loud cry, the church, aided by the providential interpositions of her exalted Lord, will diffuse the knowledge of salvation so abundantly that light will be communicated to every city and town. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of salvation. So abundantly will the renewing Spirit of God have crowned with success the intensely active agencies, that the light of present truth will be seen flashing everywhere."—Evangelism, p. 694.
We as workers and laymen must follow the beams of light that are flashing by electronic means into homes. For without the personal contact in these homes the full fruit of the message will never be realized.