Ministerial Association Sponsors Summer Schools in Indonesia

A new effort to provide additional train­ing for field workers was undertaken in Indonesia during 1963.

PAUL H. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Ministerial Association, Far Eastern Division

A new effort to provide additional train­ing for field workers was undertaken in Indonesia during 1963. This was in the form of a special six-week summer school session. Sponsored by the Ministerial Asso­ciation in cooperation with Indonesia Un­ion College, this session was held in two sections, one at the college campus in Tji­sarua, Bandung, and the other at the Cele­bes Training School, Kawangkoan, Me­nado. Ministerial workers and teachers from the various local missions were joined by teachers from the training schools. A few students also took advantage of this opportunity to add to their scholarship.

The section of the summer school held at the Indonesia Union College was under the direction of Bryce Newell, acting presi­dent of the college. Guest professors were Paul H. Eldridge, Ministerial Association secretary of the Far Eastern Division, and Pangarisan Sitompul, ministerial associa­tion secretary of the Indonesia Union Mis­sion. Paul Eldridge taught two classes, church administration and pastoral prob­lems. Pangarisan Sitompul taught a class in systematic theology and apologetics. Two hours of college credit were offered in each of these classes for those who could qualify to receive college credit.

Ministerial workers and teachers from five local missions, West Java, East Java, West Kalimantan, South-East Kalimantan, and North Sumatra, were in attendance. In addition, fifteen teachers of the Indo­nesia Union College staff and a large num­ber of students also joined the classes. The total enrollment for the summer session at the Tjisarua campus was eighty-eight.

A ceremony honoring those who had completed these special courses was held on Wednesday evening, July 17, in the col­lege chapel. Certificates prepared by the Ministerial Association were presented to all who had successfully participated.

The North Celebes section of the sum­mer session was held at the Celebes Train­ing School, in Kawangkoan, Menado. R. H. Tauran, dean of Indonesia Union College, and William W. Pohle, professor of Bible at Indonesia Union College, were the guest professors. Courses offered were Bible doctrines, church organization and worship, Spirit of Prophecy, and general psychology. The total enrollment of 118 in­cluded a large number of ministerial work­ers and teachers from the North Celebes Mission. This mission, under the leadership of A. M. Bartlett, has a church member­ship of more than 12,000. Their goal for 1963 was 2,000 baptisms.

Administrators of the local and union missions, as well as the workers who at­tended, were enthusiastic in their evalua­tion of this new type of upgrading pro­gram. They felt that it brings an opportu­nity for college-level study to a large num­ber of field workers who have not had the advantage of a four-year theological course.

As a result of the response to this pro­gram in Indonesia, the Far Eastern Divi­sion Ministerial Association is considering the sponsoring of a special summer school session for ministerial workers in one un­ion mission each year. Emphasis will be placed on areas where college theological training has been limited or unavailable.

PAUL H. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Ministerial Association, Far Eastern Division

February 1964

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***** PERMANENTLY UNPUBLISHED: Ministry Magazine does not want to promote this author's works. *****

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