"What Seekest Thou . . . ?"

I seek my brethren.

WESLEY AMUNDSEN, Secretary, Hebrew Scripture Association

"And the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou? And he said, I seek my brethren" (Gen. 37:15, 16).

Rabbi William B. Silverman, in the pref­ace to his interesting book Rabbinic Sto­ries for Christian Ministers and Teachers, relates the following story from Jewish tra­dition in an attempt to help Christians to better understand the human relationship of Christianity and Judaism.

A man was lost in a jungle. "He tried desperately to find his way out, but to no avail. Suddenly, fear clutched at his throat as he beheld coming toward him from a dis­tance what seemed to be a wild and fero­cious beast. He wanted to run, but terror held him rooted to the spot. As the beast came closer, he noticed with considerable relief that it looked like a tame and do­mesticated animal. As the beast came still closer, he could discern the figure of a man. Summoning all of his courage, he advanced to meet the man. When he extended his hand in fellowship and looked into the man's eyes with understanding, he made an amazing discovery. It was not a wild and ferocious beast. It was not a domesticated animal. It was not even an ordinary hu­man being. It was his own brother."

Rabbi Silverman adds to this story the following thought:

"If we will only stop talking about our religious faith, and begin to live by our faith—by taking a few steps in the direc­tion of our fellow man, by looking into his eyes with understanding, by extending our hands and our hearts in fellowship—we, too, may find that he is our own brother."—Ibid.

Of the 12 million Jews in the world, approximately 5 million live in North America. Regarding these, we are con­cerned with the challenge proposed by Rabbi Silverman, that we extend "our hands and our hearts in fellowship," to those whom God would have us seek for as our "brethren."

In our seeking for souls, the Jews are not to be passed by. God loves these people just as He loves all other people in the world. The third angel's message is also to be presented to them in its fullness. We understand that there is to be a great in-gathering of Jews into the fold of God be­fore the work closes.

One of the avenues by which we may reach these sons and daughters of Abra­ham, Isaac, and Jacob, is that of the maga­zine Israelite. On March 21 special oppor­tunity is to be given to all church members in North America to send this important denominational quarterly journal to Jew­ish people in their community or to pro­vide money for subscriptions for a list of names furnished by others. An encourag­ing word from our ministers will be help­ful in meeting the challenge of Rabbi Silverman. (See March GO magazine for more information.) Rabbinic Stories for Christian Ministers and Teachers is pub­lished by the Abingdon Press, New York.

WESLEY AMUNDSEN, Secretary, Hebrew Scripture Association

March 1964

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