To be called as an appointed messenger for God in this the greatest and most challenging hour since Pentecost is both thrilling and sobering. And God demands as much of us as He did of the apostles nineteen centuries ago. Could our pioneers have witnessed the unrolling of the prophetic scroll as we are seeing it today, what sermons they would have preached! The mighty truths of Revelation concerning the final struggle between truth and error are fulfilling with rapidity. As heralds of God's last message we know that the Sabbath will be prominent in the final showdown. The real issue, however, is not the keeping of a day but rather man's allegiance—either to God as Creator, or to Satan, the great deceiver. It is the "mystery of godliness" as opposed to the "mystery of iniquity." And this is no make-believe battle; it is a struggle to the death.
Deceived into believing they are carrying out the divine will, the opposers of God's law will rank themselves under the banner of the prince of darkness to withstand every declaration of the truth. If there ever was a time when God's people need to "hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end," it is now. And it is tragic to realize that some who now seem to be on the side of truth and righteousness will before the end ally themselves on the side of the enemy. Jesus said: "because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold," while Paul declared that "some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils."
It is difficult to comprehend how some who have walked with the people of God in apparent unity will at last break fellowship and deny the very truth they once professed. But in a moment of weakness even Peter said, "I know not the man." The real man he did not know, however, was Peter. How easy it is to deceive oneself! Even later, in spite of all the multiplied evidences to confirm his faith, Peter seemed to lapse into temporary discouragement as he said, "I go fishing." But these experiences preceded Pentecost. The baptism of the Holy Spirit gave to this man and his companions a new and enlarged vision of their responsibilities.
Only the abiding love of Christ in our hearts will keep us loyal in the coming crisis. We read: "When men press close to the side of Jesus, when Christ is abiding in their hearts by faith, their love for the commandments of God grows stronger in proportion to the contempt which the world heaps upon His holy precepts." And then appears this significant statement: "It is at this time that the true Sabbath must be brought before the people by both pen and voice."—Selected Messages, book 2, p. 369.
With so many big issues crowding the horizon, to the casual onlooker it may appear strange that the Sabbath, which seems somewhat insignificant to some, should become so important. But God often tests our allegiance to Him in simple ways. Eating or not eating of a particular fruit in Eden doubtless seemed insignificant too. It is the devil's studied plan to confuse the issue and pour contempt on God's methods. Yet his very opposition on this question will redound to the glory of God. Tragic as man's original sin was, it nevertheless permitted God to reveal Himself in a new dimension. We would not want to go so far as Augustine, who cried: "0 blessed sin that gave us such a Redeemer!" The whole universe, however, does understand God better as He is seen in His glorious redemptive act!
Jesus assured us that nothing can be done against the truth, for all the efforts of the enemy in the long run only forward the truth. Thus we read: "The Lord has permitted the enemy of truth to make a determined effort against the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. He designs by this means to awaken a decided interest in that question which is a test for the last days. This will open the way for the third angel's message to be proclaimed with power."Ibid., p. 370.
There is therefore a divine purpose that permits the enemy of righteousness to bring this issue to the front at this time, for this will ultimately aid in the advancement of the cause of truth which reaches its climax when the whole world will be lightened with the glory of God (Rev. 18:1). The greatest spiritual movement of all time is just before us, when the final message of mercy swells into the loud cry. This will be just at the time our great High Priest is closing His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. The devil knows this, so he is seeking in a score of ways to divide the messengers of God by advancing arguments on mere side issues. These are being pressed to the fore by a handful of men who claim to have advanced light on the sanctuary and the judgment.
Special counsel has been given us concerning these things. The Lord's messenger says: "I warn the Seventh-day Adventist Church to be careful how you receive every new notion and those who claim to have great light. The character of their work seems to be to accuse and to tear down." —Ibid., p. 69.
As God's messengers we are admonished to "press together." It is the spirit of evil that separates; the spirit of truth always leads to unity. While it is true that increased light will shine upon all the mighty prophecies of these last days, yet true light never leads away from the established platform of truth already given. On the contrary, it makes even more brilliant and impressive those glorious truths that have made us a people. Facing the tremendous issues of these last days, we need to know what really is truth, for we will be tested on every point. And we can expect opposition from both outside and inside the movement.
Many years ago I called at the office of a friend. He was the president of the conference, and his son and I were colporteur companions. Glancing up at the wall, I read, "When a man has failed at everything else in life he can still be a critic." That statement spoke volumes to me and made an impression I have never forgotten. It is not difficult to find some things to criticize. But criticism of that kind always leads to separation. We are marching with God's people to the kingdom, then let us keep step with the movement. When we show our confidence in one another through a spirit of unity it inspires that same spirit among our members. We are not in competition with one another; we are a fellowship of twice-born men and women preparing to live in each other's company for all eternity. Only as God, by His grace, molds us into the image of Him who saved us from our sins and self-righteousness can we be His witnesses to a lost world.
Evidences abound that tell us we are rapidly approaching a time of national and denominational apostasy, when the rulers of both the state and the church, acting under the deception of Satan, will rank themselves on the side of "the man of sin" and bitterly oppose the people of God. It is then that evil will have filled to the full the measure of trangression and the Lord Himself shall declare from the sanctuary, "It is done!" Too late the opposers of truth will realize the tragedy of their choice. Having rejected the Lord He will reject them, saying, "I never knew you. Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity."
It is to prepare a people to stand in that tremendous hour that this movement has been raised up of God. Our responsibility as His messengers is to make God's message so clear that all can make intelligent choice. And they must make that choice at the very time the enemy is working hardest to confuse the issues. We must therefore guard against becoming confused and critical.
He who would help another out of the swift-flowing current of evil must have his own feet firmly planted on the rock of truth. Ours is a high calling, a tremendous responsibility. Are we true to our trust?
R. A. A.