The Need of a Spiritual Revival
The First Sermon Given at the Opening Session of the School of Prayer
How to Conduct a Disscusion Period
It is a scientific fact that the process of learning is greatly increased by a democratic discussion of a problem of general concern. By frank and free discussion the subject under consideration can be personalized in a practical manner when often the best prepared discourse may fail to reach the heart.
How to Promote the School of Prayer
The School of Prayer may be an excellent idea with possibilities to begin a spiritual revival, but unless it is promoted wisely, many earnest seekers for truth may never realize its significance.
Objectives of the School of Prayer
There is a soul hunger and deep desire for a greater awareness of the presence of our Saviour with us. Yes, a new realization of the very necessity of prayer in personal, family, and church life.
Types and Moods of Prayer
Do we need a renewed and deeper comprehension of communion with God?