Council Impressions

Impressions from the 1964 fall council.

Reports from various world leaders.


 Edwin Gibb, Secretary, Far Eastern Division

My belief that this is God's work and that He will finish it has been reconfirmed during my attend­ance at the 1964 Fall Council. The reports of the North American and overseas divisions showed that we are living in a time of unprecedented opportu­nity for soul winning. A spirit of dedication to fin­ish the work pervaded all of the Fall Council meet­ings and actions.

Willard B. Johnson, President, Carolina Conference

I was deeply impressed with the Fall Council. My own faith was strengthened that this is the Lord's work and that He has prepared the hands to which he has given its direction. More than ever, I am convinced that this cause shall move forward unshaken and unchanged till Jesus comes.

W. S. Bonfield, President, South Atlantic Conference

I was favorably impressed with the quality of leadership provided by our administrative ofhcers and the genius of this denomination's organization, which enables us to transact so much business in such a democratic and orderly way.

Henry Baerg, Secretary-Treasurer, Inca Union Mis­sion

Among the many wonderful impressions of this Fall Council was the need of greater emphasis being placed on the renewed study of God's Word and the counsels of His Spirit. I personally feel that we should renew and revive all our efforts along this line. We must dig deep into the Word and trans­mit this to our children.

Oswald Bremer, Treasurer, Central European Divi­sion

This is my first visit to the United States and my first Fall Council. What a thrilling experience for me! I got really acquainted with our worldwide work, and enjoyed the reports of our leaders. I also realized something of the heavy burden our General Conference brethren are carrying as they endeavor to maintain and further the cause of God in the world field. It was a real privilege for me and my German brethren to be here and we take back to our home country most encouraging and pleasant memories.

H. M. S. Richards, Voice of Prophecy Speaker

The emphasis at this council was not financial but evangelistic. The reports from all the world de­scribed the power of God in the earth. There is a spirit of expectation of great things just before us.

Orley M. Berg, Pastor, Memphis, Tennessee

It has been a thrilling experience to join with our church leaders from all over the world as they have met in the Autumn Council session. Of par­ticular interest have been the reports from our overseas presidents. Surely God is leading in a won­derful way.

R. R. Frame, Secretary, Australasian Division

This being the first Autumn Council that it has been my privilege to attend, my strongest impres­sions have been of the unity of the brethren and their express determination to give even greater im­petus to the work of evangelism. The resolutions voted, covering all phases of evangelistic activity, will do much to step up the program of the church and hasten the coming of Christ.

H. V. Reed, President, Colorado Conference

The 1964 Fall Council, held 120 years from the beginning of this message, seemed notable to me be­cause of its emphasis on a total preaching ministry and a commitment of all our reserves, both of men and material, to the finishing of the task of herald­ing the everlasting gospel to the entire world. The spirit of the world leadership seemed not only dedicated, but alive with a spirit of strength, more strongly felt than at any time in recent years. This undercurrent of a strong movement of the Holy Spirit engenders great confidence.

C. R. Bonney, Secretary, Southern Asia Division

  1. This has been a council in which the unswerv­ing unity of the leaders of the world field has been clearly emphasized concerning the fundamentals of the Advent Church.
  2. Reports from division leaders around the world have revealed clear evidences that the final rapid movements are about to take place.

The Fall Council was a spiritual enrichment to me. The glowing reports of the conquest of the cross of Christ in all parts of the world make one deeply appreciative of having a part in God's last movement.

Robert Darnell, Religious Liberty, Public Affairs, Middle East

As one attending a Fall Council for the first time. I have been particularly impressed by the orderly way in which business is conducted, the brotherly spirit characterizing debate, and the democratic or­ganization, which provides opportunity for all views to be heard and studied in the preparation of the resolutions.

Philip S. Nelson, M.D.

This Fall Council has been a great inspiration to us all. Our brethren from the world field in studying their problems manifested different opin­ions, but there was real unity of purpose.

Wendell L. Wilcox, President, West Indonesia Union Mission

I was impressed anew with the democratic way the meetings were conducted and the free, sincere discussion that took place both in the various com­mittees and in the general session. The unity, love, and understanding between the brethren, even though there were different viewpoints, was evident. It was especially gratifying to see that in all the dis­cussions entered into and all decisions made the one great goal was for the speedy finishing of the Lord's work.

.W. W. Fordham, President, Central States

I have had the privilege of attending Fall Council sessions since 1945. As I look back over the years, and compare the councils of the past with the pres­ent, I am impressed with the continual emphasis on the great task of the church, namely, the finish­ing of the work.

C. J. Coon, Retired Minister, Washington, D.C.

The 1964 Autumn Council of the General Con­ference has just closed. It has been the most won­derful, encouraging, and inspiring council I have ever attended. Our representatives from around the world demonstrated a spirit of Christian unity and determination to join hearts and hands for the speedy finishing of the gospel message in all the world. With this spirit of unity and purpose in God's workers, as demonstrated in this outstanding council, the greatest harvest of souls in our history will be realized. My courage in the speedy triumph of the church was never greater.

Harry D. Johnson, Treasurer, Far Eastern Division

I have been greatly impressed by the reports of consistant increases in membership growth rates. All around the world there seems to be evidence that God is pouring out His Holy Spirit and that the work is moving into a final exciting phase of vital expansion.

B. J. Kohler, Treasurer, Southern European Divi­sion

This Fall Council has renewed and strengthened my faith in the Advent Movement and convinced me of the nearness of the Lord's return. There was evidence of God's blessings all around us and the spirit of unity encouraged and filled me with a stronger desire to do all I can to advance the cause of God in the Southern European Division.

W. A. Fagal, Faith for Today

What a moving experience it has been to me to hear of new breakthroughs of Adventism every­where. When I was a boy my dedicated father often read aloud the published reports of advance, and his quiet gratitude led us to family rejoicing. In the past week I have wondered what he would have said were he alive today and heard that in the last twelve years well beyond a million persons had united with us through baptism. The Autumn Council has brought me reaffirmed confidence in truth's triumph and renewed dedication of life.

Marius Fridlin, President, Southern European Di­vision

The 1964 Biennial Council of the General Con­ference Committee has certainly been the best I ever attended. The presence of the Spirit of God was felt as never before. The fine reports of progress of the work of the Lord thrilled our hearts. It was good to be together and study new plans for the finishing of the task. This council helped us as lead­ers to come closer to Christ and to recognize more than ever the challenge of this hour, which is to carry the everlasting gospel to a lost world in a more effective way than in the past.

I. V. Scully, Associate Secretary, Temperance De­partment, General Conference

To me the reports of our world division leaders show the importance of the various departments working closely together in an integrated program to reach souls through every avenue of the church's broad evangelistic program. I was impressed with the need of upholding and uplifting the personal standards that have been set before the church through the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy. I feel that a steady hand guided the 1964 council. The good judgment of the council, after the opinions were expressed, came out as sound principles upon which to build. The many actions presented were slanted to the finishing of God's work in the heart as well as in the world field. The miracles as reported from the various missions fields show that God is directing and blessing in carrying the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.

O. F. Locke, Pastor, Denver, Colorado

I was impressed with both the unity and the di­versity of the recent Autumn Council. It has been said that everything within the realm of denomina­tional policy is cut and dried. But no one could leave the halls of this council believing this to be true. The wide divergency of thought and the de­termined individual convictions on certain issues that lead to lively debate were democratic demon­stration that the above criticism was unfounded. From beginning to end of this council unity pre­vailed as final decisions were made. I left the coun­cil with the strong conviction that God is still lead­ing His people and that the mind of the Spirit was met in the conclusions of the Fall Council delegates.

Neal C. Wilson, President, Columbia Union

I have been deeply impressed with the unity and loyalty of church leaders from overseas and North America to the eternal and abiding objectives of the Advent message. There is no doubt in my mind but that the Holy Spirit is being poured out in power and that soon the earth will be lightened by the glory attending the gospel call to prepare for the coming of the Lord.

Reports from various world leaders.


January 1965

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