There are many people in the world today who would enjoy the original diet if they would only try it. It is for these folks that we have started what is called by some the "back-to-Eden picnic" in conjunction with our evangelistic meetings.
We find that many of the interested people are eager to learn how we eat and how we cook. Therefore, since we lack the facilities to conduct a full-fledged cooking school, we invite our friends to a covered-dish social afternoon in the great outdoors. This provides not only a pleasant time of Christian fellowship but also the opportunity to present to them our health foods at their delectable best.
The entree dishes which we serve at these picnics are prepared by the women of our team and of the church with which our meetings are connected. So that our guests do not feel left out, we invite them to bring a vegetable salad, fruit punch, or a dessert.
Along with the meal we provide several mimeographed sheets with recipes of various dishes, some containing health foods and others using nuts, grains, et cetera. Behind the entree dishes containing a health food product we place a can of the health food used, thus acquainting them by sight and taste with the particular product.
Much, of course, depends on the way in which we prepare and serve our foods. First impressions are often lasting impressions. We therefore take great care in seeing that our dishes are well prepared, warm when served, and attractive to the eye.
We have had good results from our picnics. Our guests have shown a great interest and have been amazed at the great variety of tasty foods available. Where once they wondered how one could get along without flesh foods, they are now trying and enjoying for themselves tasty dishes which are far superior.