My Assistants—VOP and FFT

How the Voice of Prophecy and Faith for Today programs fulfill a specific purpose.

J. S. DAMAZO, Pastor, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Voice of Prophecy and Faith for Today programs have been or­dained of God. They fulfill a specific purpose. They convey a special message from a special people for a specific time. God directed in their establishment. He has guided their growth.

Like most Seventh-day Adventists, I have followed their success and mass acceptance with pride, contribu­ting annually to their ever-expanding budgets and praying for their success.

However, it wasn't until a certain time in my life that these two evangelistic in­stitutions took on a whole new concept in my thinking.

Nearly twenty years ago I completed the theological course, accepted a call to the ministry, and was moved into the area of my employment. After reporting to the godly pastor under whom I would serve my internship, I began my work.

I recall the momentary feeling that came over me as I considered the whole respon­sibility and purpose of my chosen lifework. I viewed my territory panoramically, saw all its houses and lands, cities and towns, hospitals and multitudes. The scene was overwhelming. But with the assurance of God's presence and the certainty of my call­ing. I set to work.

A few days later the mailman arrived with interesting mail stamped Box 55, Los Angeles. I wondered what it was all about. To my surprise, the correspondence con­tained specific information in regard to persons who were interested in the truth and who were already quite advanced in their Bible study through the correspond­ence school. I was simply amazed. Why, here were the names and addresses of three families, and of all things, they each resided in my territory! To my further amazement, the Voice of Prophecy folks had not only located them in the homes on the streets of my cities but had sent me a card of in­troduction to each one.

I made a discovery that day that I shall never forget. It was the fact that I was not working my territory alone. I had known right along that God was present but had not realized that He had also assigned other helpers there besides myself.

A few brief years later, a new teammate joined me. It, too, moved right into my territory. Its correspondence was marked Box 8, New York 8. It immediately set to work reaching into the homes via the TV screen, searching out honest hearts. Its cor­respondence also contained the names and addresses of interested ones for me to be­come acquainted with.

Is it any wonder that Box 55, Los An­geles, and Box 8, New York 8, and I be­came very dear friends? They are now my close associates. We work together.

As the years have rolled by, and as I have moved from place to place, I have been sur­prised that my "assistants" have gone right along with me. As a matter of fact, I dis­covered that they were already there be­fore I arrived, and had been faithfully working the territory week after week, and year after year—preaching the Word of God, leading people to decision.

Through the years of service these "as­sistants" have never let me down. Neither have I let them down. Without exception, I have promptly gone to every home they have pointed to. Some homes have been in the country, others in the city, some on the side of a dusty road, others above the market place. Some where interested youth were. Others where the aged feed on a new­found hope in their sunset years. To each

J. S. DAMAZO, Pastor, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

June 1965

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