It is God's plan for the Seventh-day Adventist Church to give the message of salvation to "all the world," which includes people on every road and street in every city, town, and country. Therefore, we should not be praying for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs.
We are told that God's work here on earth "must be largely accomplished by persevering, individual effort, by visiting the people in their homes."—Welfare Ministry, p. 97.
Our Bible correspondence courses are very effective medial to help fulfill Matthew 28:19, 20. However, the cooperation of our ministers in the field is most important in leading Bible students forward in baptism.
At times we receive complaints from various places that the student cannot be found at all, or, after the worker had driven a long distance, the student is not at home. The question comes, "Can you help us?"
Be assured that we are ever trying to find a better, easier way for the student to be reached. In most instances, before a Bible student's name is sent to the field, a questionnaire has been sent to the student, announcing that one of our Bible school representatives will be in his area soon. This gives the student an opportunity to indicate whether he would welcome a representative. If the student has no house number, we ask for directions to his home. Some students check the questionnaire, indicating they would welcome a visit, but neglect to give directions to their homes. For this reason we are presenting a plan that we believe will increase the efficiency of the follow-up program.
1. The following letter is being prepared by the Voice of Prophecy and Faith for Today Bible schools for the optional use of conference presidents and radio-TV secretaries for distant or hard-to-locate students:
DEAR BIBLE STUDENT:Because many of you have asked that one of our Bible school representatives visit you in your home, we are making this service available to all our students. Often a personal interview for counsel and prayer is appreciated.
Please indicate on the enclosed card the most convenient date and time to call. If your home is difficult to find, please give full directions.
We have been happy to have you as a student in our Bible school, and we shall be pleased to become acquainted with you.
Our best wishes to you for an abundance of God's blessings as you continue the study of His Word.
Very sincerely yours, (Worker's calling card attached here)
1. With this letter, a return-addressed postal card is enclosed, reading as follows: ------------------------ 19 -It would be convenient to have the Bible correspondence school representative call on--------------- 19 _ at A M. P.M.
Name ------------------------------------------------------
Full address ----------------------------------------------
Directions -------------------------------------------------
The address to which this card is to be returned is to be written on the opposite side, and a four-cent stamp affixed.
2. The following plain card, not a postal card, is to be left by workers for "call back" information, should the student not be at home (the card described under 2. to be attached for the convenience of the interest):DEAR FRIEND:
Today at -------------------- I called to visit you, and was disappointed to find that you were not in. The accompanying prepaid postal card is provided for your convenience. Please indicate a date and time that would be acceptable to you. I will be pleased to attempt meeting the appointment.
Your Bible correspondence school representative,
Name -----------------------
Address -------------------
Telephone -------------------
This material will be provided for all conferences, to be used by workers when calling on Bible students in order to facilitate a more prompt follow-up program, especially in areas where distance is a factor.
When the opportunity presents itself, the worker should call on the student immediately. Do not wait. This card is to be used only as an auxiliary plan. Nothing takes the place of your personal contact.
We believe that this plan, properly employed, should make it easier for our workers to follow up the Bible school interests promptly, bringing about very desirable results.
The above material can be had by writing Faith for Today, Voice of Prophecy, or your conference radio-TV secretary.