WHAT should be done in a mission where not one of the local workers has more than ten years of education? It seems that under these circumstances some sort of training program should be undertaken.
A two-year training school for workers, and those wishing to be workers, was set up by the Thailand Mission, and now all but two members of our ministerial working force have finished this course. As a result of better trained workers in the field, the baptisms for the mission have doubled for two years.
Most of the workers here in Thailand do not know enough English to study at our Southeast Asia Union College where English is the medium of instruction. And yet, a need was felt for college training for all our workers. So a request was placed with the Southeast Asia Union for a four-week extension school to be held in Thailand and translated into Thai.
Paul H. Eldridge, Far Eastern Division Ministerial and Radio-TV secretary, and Daniel R. Guild, Southeast Asia Union Ministerial and Radio-TV secretary, were the teachers for this special extension school.